• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • What a great article!!

    So, I’m a huge Game Boy fan. I’d heard about how good Puyo Puyo is, so I got a Japanese copy of Puyo Puyo Tsu. From what I can tell it’s a great port. But I struggled so much getting into it! And then I read your comment…

    Puyo Puyo Tsu is hard. It’s really damn hard. I’ve witnessed many new players struggle with even basic 3- and 4-chains, nevermind making the real big chains the game mode demands of you. And unlike Tetris where casual players do not need to know fancy T-Spin setups just to get started and play, you really can’t get far at all in Puyo Puyo Tsu without at least some understanding of chaining fundamentals.

    …and I feel justified. 😅 What do you recommend is a good way for a new player to get into the game? Something to read, a video, or something else?

  • Heyyy I just picked up a copy of Iridion 3D! I haven’t played it much yet but love the 3D effect. Kind of a Starfox style shooter.

    If I had to pick one game from your pile to pick up and play right now it’d probably be Sonic Advance. I played and re-played that game a TON, although I never actually beat it.

    Which is your favorite?

  • This article is strange… The author uses “being able to open Microsoft Office documents” as a common example of what an OS that claims to be easy to use should be able to do. Then says…

    When people download Ubuntu 23.04 they get an OS that can do everything Windows 95 did - with 23.10 they don’t

    No default installation of Microsoft Windows EVER opened Microsoft Office documents. If this was a simple oversight in the write-up it’d be fine, but the point is hammered over and over again.

    I don’t have an opinion about Ubuntu including or not including more software in the default installation (my guess is it became too big to fit on a DVD?) but this article failed to make it’s point to me by making a comparison to Windows that isn’t true.


    the world’s most popular desktop Linux operating system (that’s Ubuntu, for those of you playing dumb)

    Is this supposed to be a cocky joke? I can’t tell. What metric of “most popular” is the author using?