Looking for a self hosted diary type of service. Where I can login and write small topics, ideas, tag them and date them. No need for public access.

Any recommendations?

Edit: anybody using monicahq or has experience with it?

Clarification: indeed I could use a general note taking app for this task. I already host and use silverbullet for general notes and such. I am looking at something more focused on daily events and connections. Like noting people met, sport activities and feedbacks, names, places… So tagging and date would be central, but as well as connections to calendar and contacts, and who knows what else… So I want to explore existing more advanced, more specialized apps.

  • pe1uca@lemmy.pe1uca.dev
    4 months ago

    A note taking app can be turned into a diary app if you only create notes for each day.
    Even better if you want to then expand a section of a diary entry without actually modifying it nor jumping between apps.

    Obsidian can easily help you tag and link each note and theme/topic in each of them.
    There are several plugins for creating daily notes which will be your diary entries.
    Also it’s local only, you can pair it with any sync service, the obsidian provided one, git, any cloud storage, or ones which work directly with the files like syncthing.

    Just curious, what are the special features you expect from a diary service/app which a note taking one doesn’t have?