Imagine a world where the gritty and challenging action of Dark Souls 3 is transformed into a side-scrolling platformer reminiscent of classic hits like Ghosts ‘n Goblins. This demake version takes cues from other legendary franchises such as Castlevania, Ghosts 'n Goblins, and even incorporates gameplay elements from Mega Man 2.

The creators behind this project have meticulously recreated every detail, from the game’s signature boss fights to the intricate platforming challenges. Notably, the second boss’s background is made completely black due to NES hardware limitations in handling extra sprites.

Are you a Dark Souls 3 fan? Have you even wondered what it would be like in 2D?

    2 months ago

    Looks neat …but am I putting crap together correctly? I don’t see it being available to play… Or is it behind the patreon?