So I got this weird bug – I updated my Pop_OS install and now Linux doesn’t boot anymore. I should probably boot from USB and fix this. I could figure it out on my own, but maybe it will be good knowledge for people searching on engines so any advice is welcome. Windows still boots properly. Let’s give people some alternatives to reddit :)

    15 hours ago

    Yeah me neither since I barely ever touch a desktop pc it’s not the 90s anymore and most people are on their phones.

        14 hours ago

        Doesn’t change anything I said. The whole dream of Linux as a free alternative to the desktop is fucking dead as we all have mostly close sourced computers in our pockets. I’m on a drunken rampage sorry op

        • Norah (pup/it/she)
          11 hours ago

          Others have said the same, but why do you believe these things are mutually exclusive? Like yes, everyone has a computer in their pocket, but why does that prevent them from having a desktop, or a laptop, or a tablet? There are 1.75 Billion PC gamers as of 2020, though that includes laptop (and assumedly Steam Deck and associated handheld) users as well. Desktops are still incredibly common and popular computing devices, they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Let alone that laptops are incredibly common too. I genuinely don’t know anyone in my circles that doesn’t have a laptop, a desktop, or both.

            • Norah (pup/it/she)
              10 hours ago
              1. Not a dude, don’t call me that.
              2. I haven’t replied to you before now.
              3. I never said you were wrong about smartphone usage. You’re acting like it’s a hot take that everyone has a smartphone, as if people that have them can’t/won’t own a PC.
              4. Announcing you’re drunk like this is kinda sad friend.
              5. If you are, maybe just stop replying in random threads acting like a jerk?
      13 hours ago

      Yeah me neither since I barely ever touch a desktop pc

      I suppose it’s not required for your work/education or whatever your occupation happens to be. That’s absolutely fine. But this doesn’t warrant being dismissive towards those that have a different situation. Most people that work behind a desk are required to do some work on the PC. The same applies to students.

      it’s not the 90s anymore

      I wouldn’t be surprised if PC usage has been much higher this past decade compared to the 90s. Therefore, this comment seems very out of touch.

      most people are on their phones.

      Nothing wrong with that. But most people can be on their phones AND PC usage can still be a lot more that it was in the 90s. There’s no mutual exclusivity at hand. Only if you would gauge how often the PC is used as a device (relative to other computer-like devices) would you see a relative decline for PCs.

        13 hours ago

        Sorry most people touch pcs at work when it comes to the average worker they have no choice over what distribution their company school or government uses. You’re being a debate lord, the mods were correct to delete my original comment I’m drunk af and it had nothing to do with the original thread, but the fact of the matter is most broke ass people I know don’t really touch pcs unless their in a specific consumer group(gamers). I’d go as far to say that most people would never touch a desktop pc again if they didn’t need to.

        No disrespect to OP I’ll remind you once again I’m drunk posting but I’ve read your comment three times now and you didn’t refute anything I said.

        I’m not being dismissive I just think that this weid evangelism for replacing windows with Linux or whatever the fuck is straight out of the early 2000s when desktop pcs were the main interface people had with computing, want to be on the cutting edge of providing people with open source or free (or whatever the nerds are calling it now a days) computing for the masses targeting smartphones is the move. I want to apologise once again for derailing the thread with my drunk posts I’m gonna go buy more beer.

          12 hours ago

          Thank you for the reply. However, as the length of your writing has increased, you also started to make less sense. If this is due to your drunk posting, then I understand (to a degree). But this makes it very hard for me to engage with ya. Therefore, I’ll try to address your points to the best of my ability. But, note that I’m having a hard time ‘keeping up’ with ya.

          when it comes to the average worker they have no choice over what distribution their company school or government uses

          So, you’re indulging in some mental gymnastics. I’ll outline it very clearly to ya:

          • You (simplified): PCs aren’t used (a lot).
          • Me (simplified): Sure, but there are still use cases. Can’t be dismissive just because those don’t apply to you.
          • You (simplified): School/work/government doesn’t allow freedom to choose distribution.

          The thing is, you are NOT addressing my point. I can simply return it back (without adding much) by reiterating that OP (or whichever Linux-user) just happens to be someone that has a use case for a desktop PC and has the freedom to choose their distro.

          the fact of the matter is most broke ass people I know don’t really touch pcs unless their in a specific consumer group(gamers). I’d go as far to say that most people would never touch a desktop pc again if they didn’t need to.

          That’s fine. I never argued the contrary, anyways. No idea why you felt the need to bring this up.

          I’ve read your comment three times now and you didn’t refute anything I said.

          Can’t help ya out with that. I believe I was pretty clear. Consider to use an LLM to explain it to ya. Or return back to it in the morning.

          I’m not being dismissive

          You are. As you’ve acknowledged yourself earlier, your first comment wasn’t helpful in the slightest. Instead you chose to ‘hate’ on OP for installing Linux.

          I just think that this weid evangelism for replacing windows with Linux or whatever the fuck is straight out of the early 2000s when desktop pcs were the main interface people had with computing

          It’s fine if you feel that way. You’re the first to bring up Linux proselytizing, though. Neither my intention (nor OPs) was anything like that. You chose to share misinformation on the internet and I called you out on it. Nothing more than that.

            11 hours ago

            Ohhhh Shit you replied to my to long post with an even longer post and it’s 6am and I just cracked open another beer so let’s go.

            I’m on my phone so idk how to do the quotes

            The thing is, you are NOT addressing my point. I can simply return it back (without adding much) by reiterating that OP (or whichever Linux-user) just happens to be someone that has a use case for a desktop PC and has the freedom to choose their distro

            Yes so what that doesn’t address my point that desktop pc computing for the majority of computers users is on the decline from my completely shitty anecdotal points most normal non tech people I know literally use their phones or tvs as computers.

            Can’t help ya out with that. I believe I was pretty clear. Consider to use an LLM to explain it to ya. Or return back to it in the morning.

            Wow now who’s being dismissive?

            I already apologised for being off topic and random posting on a thread my original comment was already deleted and I’m fine with it. I didn’t share any misinformation I simply shared an opinion that desktop computing is going the way of the dodo other than for specific uses. I’ll fully admit that all the information I have comes from just hanging out with normal people and doing market analyses on all this would be pretty interesting but ya I was drunk posting my original comment was deleted and I apologised to op. As for the proselytising part you’re right that did just come from me and the fact that I just don’t see desktop pcs as the future of personal computing that shit is done on smart phones now.

            For the second time I’ll apologise to op for derailing his question. Are we done debating now?

            Or I’ll put it another way, you see that fucking weird hill? I’m dying on it.

              11 hours ago

              I’m on my phone so idk how to do the quotes

              Np, fam. FWIW, try on a new line (without quotes) the following:

              “>” <text you wish to quote>

              This should work.

              Yes so what

              I hope you’ll notice this time how you’re being dismissive :P .

              that doesn’t address my point that desktop pc computing for the majority of computers users is on the decline from my completely shitty anecdotal points most normal non tech people I know literally use their phones or tvs as computers.

              So you attempt to draw attention to an observation. The observation being that: 30 (or so) years ago, interaction with a ‘computer’ happened mostly in the form of a desktop PC. This was also mostly reserved to those that were techie enough. Contrast that to current day; in which most of us interact with a ‘computer’ (even my (mostly) illiterate grandma), but the desktop PC has been replaced as a main avenue. Instead, their phones have become their go-to ‘computers’.

              This is an observation; therefore I can’t disagree with the observation. But what’s the point you want to make using this observation?

              Wow now who’s being dismissive?

              If I do an honest attempt to explain why 1 + 1 = 2 and you don’t get/see/understand it, then I’m just being sensible by moving on; especially, as you’re drunk. I’m just betting that you can make sense of it when you’re sober. If you can’t in the morning, then please point out the dissonance and I’ll try a second honest attempt.

              I didn’t share any misinformation

              Your very first comment contained misinformation. You probs forgot about it.

              Regarding the part of the desktop PC going extinct except for specific use cases, -again- I never implied the contrary. You’re now at the point that I started. If you never left your starting point, then consider this the result of miscommunication. I’d argue you were to blame, but I digress.