My wife consumes whatever media I throw at our Plex server and I’d like to stick with it (The tv’s + set top boxes/remote controls are all easy for her to use and stream Plex fine)
I’d grabbed an old work PC I replaced years ago, Windows 10, and tossed a Plex server on it and it’s worked for a long time but recently despite being used for NOTHING but Plex, its bloated itself like most Windows machines and I found Cortana taking 90% CPU (despite being disabled via registry) and some updates failing over and over.
I’d like to replace it (the software) but really no idea where to start, even the most helpful sites are just “use your favorite Unix then install Plex” or “Here are 56 perfect versions of Unix to install for your Plex server”
Honestly I use it for nothing except Plex, is there something easy enough I could look at?
The simplest solution would be to install Debian. The thing to note is that the Debian installer is designed to be multipurpose so it will default to installing a GUI.
Assuming you can boot off of a live USB with the Debian installer, you can follow the steps until you get to tasksel software selection from there uncheck gnome and check system utilities and ssh server. Also Debian defaults to separate root and user accounts. I would recommend disabling root (see steps below)
On a different machine, ssh into the server (I’m using debian.local but you should replace that with a hostname or IP)
ssh username@debian.local
Once you have access run the following commands to switch to root.
Install sudo and give yourself access
sudo apt update sudo apt install sudo sudo usermod -aG sudo username
Now type exit twice to exit the shell entirely. Once that’s done log back in.
ssh username@debian.local
Lock root
Now you have a system to set things up. I would start by enabling automatic updates and installing docker compose. (Docker compose allows you to deploy software very quickly in co trainers via a yaml spec)
#enable automatic updates sudo apt install unattended-upgrades sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades sudo systemctl start unattended-upgrades #probably not needed #install updates and install docker and docker-compose sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install docker-compose sudo systemctl start docker sudo usermod -aG docker username
You will need to log out and then back in to apply the docker permission.
I hope that gets you started.