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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Worked for a company that was entirely JWs, some of the most genuinely nice people I ever met, but knowing the whole process behind the scenes and how constrictive the lifestyle is, it was always off putting.

    I was never witnessed to other than just general inquiry to get to know me in passing by coworkers. But their doctrine basically states that if I’m not a JW, I’m a non-person. I don’t know how many of them believe it, but still.

    They all have designated zones to do their “service” so if you refuse they’ll still come back because they believe their ticket into heaven is to convince you what they say is true.

    If anyone else who reads this ever has problems with them coming to their door, best way to get them to take you off their list is say “I’ve already been excommunicated from another kingdom hall in (insert town from 2hr+ away)”

  • It’s true that in the situation and country, this is equivalent to someone fleeing a traffic stop when they remember they have warrants. Authority figure gonna do what they’re enlisted to do, because it’s their perogative and their “duty” (and I mean duty in the sense of being bound to their personal theology)

    But yet, would either of those situations would cause said authority to use deadly force? Of course not.

    Iran is a back asswards country. The US is shit in its own ways as well, I won’t refute, it’s a mess. But Iran has to literally be babysat by larger economic powers around the clock to keep them from cooking up doomsday doodads.

    Getting this bent out of shape over women wanted to drive, get a proper education, vote, or fucking not wearing a piece of cloth, just furthers the sentiment that somewhere along the male Iranian genealogy some chromosomes got lost.

    (Side note, I don’t reread these so I apologize if anything sounds purposefully directed at specific groups. I harbor no hate towards the Iranian peoples, all hate is meant to be interpreted to whatever zealots churn up all this religious hoo-hah)

  • Totally fine, work is work, you decide what you want to do with your life and if that fills the gap more power to you.

    We need more regulation though, like Amsterdam where if you’re working you have to get weekly check ups, and psychological counseling should be freely available.

    Sex work is a good industry but it also harbors trafficking which needs to be cracked down on hard.