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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I kinda wish the article has expanded on what he said, if anything. Does he still think they are well made games even if he doesn’t like the direction?

    Like, I don’t like the new Zelda games, I don’t think they have stayed true to the original Zelda (not you Zelda II) games. That said, I cannot deny that a lot of care and polish went into them, I just don’t like the direction.

    Sure, the new God of War games are not the original avatar-of-rage Kratos but they are still exceptional games.

  • I worked with a guy that was a hard-core conservative, like just shy or real far-right talking points. Anyway he told me he doesn’t watch the news. Not that he only watches fox news, I mean he doesn’t watch any news at all. He gets his information from Facebook and tiktok

  • A pass key is the private key in a private/public key pair. The private key is stored in the TPM on your device. The website contains the public key. When you use your “one password” you’re in effect giving your device permission to access the key storage in your TPM to fetch the private key to present it to the site.

    What this means in practice is that if a website has a data breach they won’t have your hashed password, only your public key which… is public. It doesn’t and can’t do anything on its own. It needs the private key, which again only you have and the website doesn’t store, to do anything at all.

    If you want to read more about it look into cryptographic key pairs. Pretty neat how they work.