• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • Gotcha. And no, lol, I don’t believe in fairy tales. But that’s interesting about the sources. I’d like to read about that. It was my understanding that any mention of him was centuries later but even decades is suspect. Think about it - how in the world would nobody write about such events at the time? Why would it be decades before any mention? A logical answer is that by then the leaders could craft some legend or even maybe just exaggerate based on some kind of stories that existed. Point is, once we’re dealing with a time when the written word was already common, it makes no sense that such miraculous tales would not be written about widely and plentifully.

  • Yeah if I’m not mistaken there are contemporary records of Genghis Khan, no?

    The first ever mention of Jesus at all is in a writing from 300+ years after his supposed life. Also, Jesus is a character from a religious text which we all know cannot be trusted as historical fact. I think - but I could be wrong - that Genghis Khan is written about in numerous corroborating texts from the actual era? Someone check me on that please.

    Edit: yeah I looked it up GK was in the 12th century that’s really not ancient. He’s written about in many sources from across Asia and Europe in many languages. That’s corroborating evidence. Jesus is not mentioned anywhere other than scriptures from hundreds of years after his supposed existence.

    Plus there have been numerous figures in other mythologies that have many or most of the same characteristics which make it more likely a classical kind of archetype. Mithra, Horus, Krishna… and a handful of others who predate Jesus’ supposed existence. That’s actually counter-evidence that supports the idea that he was not real, in fact.

  • I’m not talking about any “whole thing” I was only addressing specifically your way of seeing it as inappropriate the notion of your own daughter sitting on your lap for a photo at 14.

    Is it odd? Yeah! It’s unusual because at that age most girls feel like it’s too childlike to sit on the lap of a father, so they would likely not want to. But that’s not what we’re talking about. You called it inappropriate. She’s your daughter; there’s nothing wrong with it inherently. You pointed to her pubescence as the reasoning; that’s really weird. Again - she’s your own child.

    Maybe you really meant something a little different, like that it would be unusual because people often don’t want to be seen as so much younger than they are, but your referring to it as having an objectively amoral nature is not good.

    And yes you sexualized her, that doesn’t mean anything to do with physical sexual maturity. In this context it means you viewed her with sexual desire attached. Most fathers see their own daughters as their babies, even into adulthood. We can’t help it; it’s called love. A father who sees his daughter in a sexual light, is in need of some help, for real.

  • You’re pushing something just for the sake of trying to be right. If your boundaries are so rigid with your own daughter that you genuinely would not allow her at 14 to sit on your lap for a photo, and then you mentioned pubescent being a criteria for how you relate to her, then it is pretty clear that you’re the one with a serious problem. That, or just a liar.

    You’re highlighting distinctions and drawing rigid moral boundaries that truthfully are not relevant when it’s your own daughter. Unless one of you for some reason is uncomfortable with it which is just a personal thing that varies between people, you thinking that your daughter sitting on your lap for a photo at 14 is wrong because she’s- as you said it, not 6 but fully pubescent - dude you are the one with a problem because you just sexualized your own daughter in your eyes. Please talk to a mental health professional about that because that is a bit alarming. That kind of mathematical approach is how ultra-religious types deal with these things and that’s because it harkens back to a time when girls were married off at ages as young as 9. It’s sick and unhealthy.

  • Yeah I’m kinda the same way. The problem is I want this Android device I just need to gain root and take out google’s always running always spying stuff. That’s all I need to change.

    The entire mobile device market is an organized crime enterprise at this point. So it’s a matter of just getting what you need out of it as easily as you can. I definitely don’t allocate any time to this stuff for fun. I used to, but now I just want to do what I need and that’s it.

  • I want to own what I have that’s why I wanna root. I also want decent battery life and performance. All the hardware manufacturers seem to cram as much in there as they can, so you’ll quickly find yourself wanting something better. I got the Zenpad to be able to give me like 20 hours of battery life when using it as an e-reader. I wish rooting and super user etc. steps for this were as easy as that device was.

    My phone is iPhone but this is tablet and I want more privilege on this thing. No justification for me not to be able to do absolutely anything and everything I want.

  • The forums are insanely difficult to navigate. Every post is a collection of abbreviations. Every instruction guide refers to steps as though you already know how to carry them out as in “pumf your giget then wink the boop then skit the yump”

    I wish there was a tutorial that was step by step with detailed articulation of exactly what each thing is. Used to be they’d do that.

    My product is SM-T220NZSPXAR sku SM-T220NZSPG. I’d like to root it and debloat things I don’t want running, I’d like to be able to move apps over to my sd, and I want to be able to disable automatic starting of junk.

    I did this years ago on my Zenpad and it was pretty clear and easy. I guess I’m getting old.

    I wrote my first program on an Apple IIe when I was like 9. This is just overwhelming me with info that isn’t really coherent at all.

    I found a is this what I want?
    How to unlock & root Tab A7 Lite T220/225, install LSPosed, Magisk, Mods.