Also an easy way to store needed variables between pages. For news sites without a sign up this isn’t necessary but for actual web apps that live across different subdomains it can be a nice to have.
Also an easy way to store needed variables between pages. For news sites without a sign up this isn’t necessary but for actual web apps that live across different subdomains it can be a nice to have.
uBlock origin on Firefox blocks almost all tracking sites. You can enable cookies or disable them, it doesn’t matter because they aren’t sent anywhere. Unless the site has some homebrew tracking solution.
I’ve been wanting to do this for years, and tried several years ago but my AMD graphics card didn’t have available drivers. I now have an rtx 2070 super, do you know if it’s compatible?
I saw in a comment above that mint cinnamon is great for gaming, does that use wine or something similar? The gaming aspect is really holding me back.
Also slight concern with my dev environment but I’m sure that’s been solved 100 different ways.
If bitcoin/crypto is anything to go off of, that’s down 10% +. Come Monday the market will probably be a sea of red