Look at that money on the table! Of course we should privatize the USPS!
(/s of course)
Look at that money on the table! Of course we should privatize the USPS!
(/s of course)
I just sent them a fucking check. Wonder if I should stop them
Sounds good friend. Thanks again for this.
If you’d like, can you list what you want help with? In the readme.md or a CONTRIBUTING.md
Also I am good with actions, I can help automate anything you think would help
Did you already pull it? Not seeing it
I’m an idiot 😂
Automation is great. I’ll take a look at the source if your publish it
Thank you so much
Welp I had hoped to never remember that again.
It’s what they called one of the characters in “Inglorious Bastards”, who beat a Nazi to death with a baseball bat
By definition if it was at 12am it would have been vaporized
Wait when did nuclear war come back?
I dunno, how does 8 months pay sound more appealing than a pension?
We learned the first trump term that American democracy does not work if the ones we elect decide not to play the game. At least when enough of them decide to.
Your palate needs to adjust to be able to taste healthy food again, in my experience.
If you are eating a lot of fried and processed food you don’t notice the subtle flavors of vegetables and other healthy food at first.
There is a YouTube video around of a sprint cyclist powering a toaster and he can barely do it. I don’t think you could do it “reasonabley”.
They have both houses of Congress, I assume the federal government is about to be gutted. They even published a book on it
I was picking up a pallet of test seeds and driving them across the field with them in front of the forklift.
I didn’t check my load, hit a bump, and before I could break, ran over half the bags spilling it everywhere.
I am embarrassed to this day.
Wow, thank you for this. It is so depressing but full of fantastic information.
We do. If we couldn’t convince fucking Biden why do you think Trump is gonna care