I’m an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.
Your local herpetology guy.
Feel free to AMA about picking a pet/reptiles in general, I have a lot of recommendations for that!
Do foss models really matter? I’m pro foss and think proprietary software should be banned but these weights are essentially a compiled program, we have no idea what they do
Test setting it in /etc/environment
yeah i’m doing this because i’m anal not because there’s a good reason to.
Simply have no estate and it’s all wins!
deleted by creator
Every single way that flatpak doesn’t integrate well into the OS is easily fixed with minimal effort.
I highly recommend fedora kiniote if stability is your goal always go immutable
Do you have any better suggestions?
The real reason for alacritty is that it’s my terminal emulator of choice and it needed to run “xclip -o | wl-copy” while in focus, or the clipboard won’t update properly.
I think they should use matrix
I’d be very interested to see what they say, please keep us posted!
I can’t see the paper on that page, just the image, is there more to it than just the image and the claim?
What snakes have they checked?
edit: I think this is really about identifying rattlesnakes, more than about identifying venomous snakes in general. There’s two counterexamples on the “anal scale” page of wikipedia
the undivided end on an elapid venomous snake, and the divided on a colubrid
It’s not even an indicator, there’s places where the opposite is true, this is like the myth of the vertical slit pupils meaning they’re venomous, there’s no actual correlation, this just coincidentally works in areas with few snake species, but you’d have to know that ahead of time, and since there’s few species wherever this does work, you might as well just learn what the venomous snakes look like so this is practically completely useless.
This usually happens when somebody learns that in their local area this rule applies, and then assumes it applies everywhere.
They were not. I’d need a source for that.
That’s the difference between some randos promising it and the devs extensively testing it and confirming it works universally.
You could use this excuse to justify almost any type of proprietary software. Most apps are not deeply integrated into the system. That doesn’t make them ethical.
I’m using that excuse to justify steamos vs windows, you’re assuming a vacuum, I do believe proprietary software is bad, just that you’re fighting the wrong battle.
It is more free than Windows and I never said otherwise. I just said that it was still unethical.
“I see very little benefit from people using GNU/Linux if they will use proprietary software on it”
“It doesn’t matter how many nonfree packages it has, because even one package makes the whole thing proprietary.”
The entire time my point has been steamos isn’t worth criticising because it’s just archlinux with steam, criticize steam. I’m totally fine with criticising steam, i’m not fine with criticising steamos, because it is literally just linux but with steam preinstalled. All of your issues are simply issues with steam, not steamos.
But those people don’t care about their freedom. That’s the problem. They will always use proprietary software, because they only care about convenience or features. We need to change that. Only then our movement will benefit from this. We can’t let them get attached to Valve as long as they make proprietary software.
That won’t change, they simply do not have the same values as you, so, be pragmatic and try to make FOSS software outcompete proprietary software, in this case, we need steam, we need people to move to linux as much as possible, and only once we have everyone on FOSS operating systems, THEN we attack the clients, that should be the order of operations. Steam is absolutely still bad because it’s proprietary but steamos is a good thing for the free software movement.
You are assuming that a company that makes proprietary software won’t try to get more power over their users. Why wouldn’t they? Their users don’t even care. Sandboxing improves your security (which is good), but not your freedom. You still can’t see what the software does or change it, so that program is still unethical.
I’m not saying they wouldn’t, i’m saying they’ve structured things in a way that they literally cannot, there’s no path to do that for them, that’s why if they wanted to do that they would’ve HAD to use BSD, there is no choice for them in the matter because this is based on linux.
Nobody thought eglstreams was a good idea or a solution, gbm fixed being able to use wayland at all, no devs were saying that would resolve all the issues. The issues are currently solved, you can test the changes yourself if you don’t believe me, but this truly is the end
i’m not saying wait for the next release because they might solve it, I’m saying the current set of patches is confirmed to solve it.
??? I have been following this for years and nobody I have seen has ever said that with nvidia on wayland
either way it has been tested and actually does so…
I made a better solution in my post that works perfectly… and is better for me because it isn’t a script (I don’t like adding additional dotfiles) sorry for the unnecessary effort.