Yeah, he keeps bringing them up any time he needs to distract from any negative coverage of him or his own failings. They’re now on pause after they succeeded in their goal of distraction.
Don’t get me wrong, they’ll come up again. And again. And again. It’s one of the easiest levers he can pull or buttons he can press to get massive attention with very little impact to himself.
That’s just the fringe benefit. The real aim was to distract from the plane crashes he caused with his mismanagement of the FAA, and the half dozen agencies that have been hijacked by people without security clearance
If you’re in usa, it’s illegal to sell the good ones. You’re not allowed to have inedible, non-food items fully surrounded by food. Items like corndogs are ok since the stick is exposed, but the plastic eggs fully enclosed by chocolate are not ok.
We can’t have nice things because American corporations couldn’t be trusted to not bake rocks into bread, unless it was against the law
Yep, then the FTC and CPB
The church Henry the 8th started when the Pope wouldn’t let him get divorced. It and Catholicism have traded places as the UKs official state religion a few times over the years, causing absolutely no problems whatsoever.
At least in the US, they lock things down so heavily that they’re the only one able to do most repairs, so they’ve got tons of people in house or for body work they’ll have someone they exclusively sub-let the work to.
Oh you want Nickey Mouse, sorry all we have is Mickey Moose.
Not just a fight but a death threat.
Always have? 🌎 🧑🚀🔫🧑🚀
Sorry, my point was that spider pig was more likely than spider ham due to cross licensing issues between Sony and Marvel
With Disney buying Fox spider pig might actually be possible
That’s the fruit that shall not be eaten in public places.
Maybe tomatoes?
That figure is likely outdated due to the rapid inflation of the last few years. 3000-4000 is what I’ve heard in my area. Must be nice to live in a country that takes care of its populace.
And even if it did, you can’t arrest a computer!
I think I saw someone on one of the LTT CES videos that used a 10 inch rack for a pair of itx builds with high end gpus. It looked really neat, and had an open frame test bench vibe which looked like it could handle all that power and heat coming from the 2 machines
iirc anything after 802.11ac doesn’t allow AP mode on client devices. Something about not being able to scan for restricted channels in 5/6ghz