It’s kind of like this: I just want it to be possible to smoke weed and be still gainfully employed. Even if Harris gets up on stage and starts spouting bullshit about Jewish space lasers, I’m still voting for her. Even if a bunch of people get hella pissed off that jewish space lasers aren’t a smart use of tax dollars I’M STILL VOTING FOR HER because political issues that effect me are, to me, the more important ones.
In reality it wouldn’t matter even if that’s the plan. Building space lasers is still a less destructive thing to do to our society than all the utterly corrupt shit Trump and his goonlings want. I just need the bad guys to lose. We all do. Even if it’s just this once.
Fuck chegg. The only way to get through homework without spending 27 hours a day on it was to pay money for the wrong answer from chegg and then flunk out anyway. Now we have ai which can get you the answer FOR FREE, often even if it’s a loaded trick question. I really wish I would have capitalized on that short window of time from after ai was invented and before schools got smarter about combating cheating.
Going to college was the biggest mistake of my life and I wish I would have instead spent all the money on hookers like boogie2988 did.