Cassette Beasts. I tried Brotato its okay but I’m not as much of a fan.
Cassette Beasts. I tried Brotato its okay but I’m not as much of a fan.
I think its like $10k for in or out of the US and items of value
TUL pens. Super durable as I click my pens from anxiety and I havent had one break on me. Write very smoothly too
Our friend had his phone opened on IG. A random picture of an Asian girl with literal “airbag” boobs popped up, rather naked. Those boobs were so artificially inflated though that it reminds me of an AI image.
We now clown him constantly
No cut off. AI may have some books out there but not all. There will always be authors out there like Martha Wells, Sanderson, john Scalzi and even new debut authors all the time trying to write. Agree with other poster, you’re only going to miss out by limiting yourself
Mine is similar. Just a day with my husband and dog and I will be happy.
I just finished Only Murders in the Building. I love it. Its a whodunit with Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez. The whole cast always feels to me like they’re always having a lot of fun!
Life in Pieces too!! Def ended too early :(
Very good point. I was fortunate enough to take a finance class in high school and be very vigilant, so theres some privledge there.
I think its been said like 1/3 people aren’t financially literate both in US and globally in general.
Sonic x Shadow Generations. Loving the Shadow portion so far. Feels like Sonic Adventure stages
Its… Income based… As much as I hate loans of all the loan options its the easiest for many people because you only have to pay such a small fraction of your income to repay it 5-10% most common… And if you’re compliant, they forgive it anyways after 20 years.
I didn’t take that option but many of my friends did. Also, anyone taking out loans whether it be house, car, etc I believe should know what terms are and select what works best for their life.
Another fun trick I learned in sales is that if you’re trying to get someone to purchase something, instead of having them focus on whether or not they should get something, change their question to something else.
For example, I used to sell phones. Instead of having people try to figure out if they want the newest Samsung or not, I would take the phone in two different colors and ask if they liked it in blue or black instead. Putting it in their hands let’s them imagine having the phone already and the question changes from should I purchase this phone to what color do I want?
I’m quite sure this can translate to other questions and decisions people ask themselves
So similar thing I learned in sales. I avoid using the word “help” because if you ask something like “is there anything I can help you with”? The word “help” subconsciously makes them feel like you are implying they are weak, vulnerable, and need assistance. Where as if you ask them “is there anything I can do for you”? The word “do” has a more positive connotation and implies that you are offering a service or a gift, which more people are likely to agree to.
Hello! Can you please link the gaming edition? I only really see qc35 for gaming? Is there a qc45 version?
Thank you! Yeah, I’m not looking to play any sound sensitive games like rhythm or FPS. So its good to know the consensus is that most people dont seem to notice it.
970 may be faster but I can play a few more games I couldnt before on the card (Cyberpunk, Balders Gate, etc). The resolution isnt amazing or anything but I just want to play :) Not trying to upgrade ATM, which is a significant investment. Hoping this would help with eventual transition
Maybe but none of us saw it, even my friend who eventually became her friend later on and into adulthood… I met her mom at least twice and she was always nice and seemed very attentive, concerned about her daughter.
We also grew up very affluent. They were too.
In middle school, there was this one super unpopular girl that gifted me acne medication for Christmas… Unprompted. We weren’t even friends and yes, I had acne problems like most teens did.
I never bullied anyone in my life before and since, but I did that year… This was why she was so unpopular. The year after, she called 1 of the 2 only black kids the N word, got her ass kicked and either removed or expelled from school.
I have no idea why anyone would go around picking fights, especially with no friends to begin with. Before anyone asks, no, no mental health issues.
Edit: I also wasnt “popular” and had very little friends too. I mean, it wasnt right either way to turn bully either but I was young
Thank you! I was wondering how noticeable BT latency is. Unfortunately, my gaming PC is currently outdated (970) and that’s a significant reason why I got a deck. I wanted to play newer games and with my friends again. Setting up audio for a full PC is something I’m more used to than the deck.
I have mine docked under my TV but wow, the DACAmp seems awesome. I had to look that up. More money than I would like to spend but adding it for maybe a future purchase!
Why would Elon care now? He got something better already… Control of the whole country