Sadly, even there; it would’ve been better if he didn’t
Sadly, even there; it would’ve been better if he didn’t
That’s not an answer. What should he have done? How do you prevent the cold war in February of 1945?
Oh. The Yalta Myth, I should’ve guessed. A contender for the founding enemy within type myth for the modern American far right.
What do you think they should have done instead? Immediately gone to war with the Soviets? Congrats! WW3 is much worse than the cold war.
The Soviets already held nearly the entirety of Poland by the time of the Yalta conference. The rest of the allies probably couldn’t have done anything to prevent that level of Soviet imperialism, even militarily. See: operation unthinkable, the korean war, the chinese civil war
A decent essay with citations, even if it is from a firmly neoconservative source. https://nationalinterest.org/article/the-yalta-myth-1052
An article from an american liberal source, responding to the same W. Bush Speech as the previous essay, and whose talking points you echo. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2005/05/what-really-happened-at-yalta.html
Finally, to round it out; a pair of articles by Alger Hiss, who attended the Yalta conference, and who was later investigated by McCarthy’s House Unamerican Activities Committee, specifically by then rising star Richard Nixon. One from the 50s: https://algerhiss.com/alger-hiss/in-his-own-words/yalta-modern-american-myth/ Another from the 80s: https://algerhiss.com/alger-hiss/in-his-own-words/two-yalta-myths/
FDR died before the end of WW2? How would any betrayal of the US allies post WW2 be on him?
money bottlenecks
Laughs in Thievery Skill
I think the place they are getting the bit about patience from is specifically dragon quest. Where the devs intentionally positioned it in opposition to other games of the time that required you to get good so to speak.
I read an interview a few years ago, I think with Yuji Horii about the design in dragon quest being set up specifically so that by sinking time in you would eventually overpower everything and progress, even if you never improved at the game mechanics. I couldn’t easily find it again when I looked to link it but maybe I will be able to later today.
I don’t know that biden truly had the ability to stack the court, any justice he wanted to add would have to get through the senate. Which was only very narrowly held by the dems, and a pretty minimal amount of defections would have scuttled the plan entirely while also having broken the taboo. I don’t actually trust biden either, so the world in which biden destroys the democratic norms and seizes power in that way also is a really bad situation.
Supreme court shot down the 20k for pell grant recipients and 10k for non pell grant recipients plan, and basically said that at that scale should require congress. So all the smaller programs have been calibrated to try to survive the court battles.
A tariff on steel and aluminum will have much farther reaching consequences than guns. A specific tariff on smokeless powder is pretty unlikely, though maybe could be part of trying to ramp up domestic production. The US military is trying to make that happen, but that’s kind of the opposite of what you want.
Sure would be nice if social science were complete, and we could say with scientific certainty the effect of any given social activity.
Here are a couple published articles that attempt to get at that question, more research required tho.
Makes sense, I just mainly interface with Lemmy thru jerboa
I can block communities on Lemmy in Jerboa atleast
You could potentially run into this or something very similar in cad when your sketches aren’t fully defined yet. I’ve definitely ran into models that are slightly off square because someone missed a constraint much earlier in the timeline.
Its intended to focus on a specific skill, the other skill can be valid and not be the point of the lesson.
They are paraphrasing ralph waldo emerson
Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you are saying.
But based on their user name they might be getting it more from the bad religion song “I want to conquer the world”
Isis isn’t gone, they aren’t holding any territory right now and are greatly diminished, but they took credit for an attack in Russia this year even.
usage, production and sorting is on them
Plastic is a finite resource that is not going to disappear from global usage any time soon.
Just fucking recycle.
These statements are you throwing up your hands, but towards the actual problem of plastic waste.
“where I live they don’t do it well”
Where I live is on Earth, they don’t do it well anywhere here. In the US, people have been actively trying to get people to recycle more since the 70s, plastic recovery from recycling barely gets over 5% and that’s consistent throughout that 50 year period. That’s not just “not 100%” that’s dismal.
As an initiative it has been wildly unsuccessful at best, and a cynical distraction at worst. The plastics industry is largely the same entities as the oil and gas industry, and they have run the same playbook to defer meaningful action against their damaging products.
To bring it back: People not recycling plastics is equivalent to people not eating their pizza crusts in that they are trivial and ineffectual solutions to the problems of waste.
Waste management experts say the problem with plastic is that it is expensive to collect and sort. There are now thousands of different types of plastic, and none of them can be melted down together. Plastic also degrades after one or two uses. Greenpeace found the more plastic is reused the more toxic it becomes.
New plastic, on the other hand, is cheap and easy to produce. The result is that plastic trash has few markets — a reality the public has not wanted to hear.
From the NPR source I listed earlier. Industry has no interest or ability in fixing this issue by recycling, and vanishingly few municipalities are likely to subsidize plastics recycling to a level at which it makes an appreciable dent in plastic waste.
The plastics industry has cynically forwarded the idea of plastics recycling despite knowing it was unfeasible. We need to drastically reduce plastic use, and probably limit the types of plastic produced for the sorting problem to be mitigated enough that recycling or a clean disposal method is feasible.
Plastics recycling doesn’t happen much because it is an expensive process, and new plastic is too cheap. Even if you put it in the blue recycling bin, it’s fairly unlikely that it actually gets recycled and used again.
Metals actively get recycled well. Paper and glass recycle okay, but in practice also face problems.
Some coverage:
Another common Jaime L