You know more about it than I do.
You know more about it than I do.
This is why Republicans are stupid, a vaccine is a controlled and safe measles exposure with some risk that is 1 in a 100. You are doing the same thing with measles parties but more reckless dangerous levels of infection and putting your kid at risk of death like 1/15 if you send them to the measles parties.
The anti evil operations team has done this in the past.
7 days to die on Xbox also Call of Duty DMZ.
MW2 had DMZ the greatest call of duty game mode of all time.
At that point people should refuse to buy it until it hits 70 or 60. They are going recouperate their investment unless the game is trash.
This is terrible news, if he bans vaccines I hope there would be a massive petition for many states to join Canada.
This guy is the literal definition of a corporate stooge.