Isn’t the point of the FP to be able to change parts easily?
This fat fuck is so adorable, I don’t understand it.
Ty for the link. I always thought this meme had a nice ring to it. Dunno why
Where does this originate from? I’ve seen a couple variations of it but have no idea where it came from
I don’t get it tbh. Content still has to be hosted somewhere right? Even if it’s a big “decentralized” network.
Took the words out of my mouth. Though having over 70% renewables by 2030 feels like a stretch to me. Certainly would be great but I have my doubts. Maybe only my inner pessimist speaking.
Fuck TS, all my homies on MSN Messenger
Only a matter of time before Discord does a Reddit.
“GPS attacks” shows picture of sonar
Wtf is a Ne-Yo?