Ope, shit, I jumped the gun. My bad!
Ope, shit, I jumped the gun. My bad!
I’m just a journalist/comedian :) I got no dog in this fight, other than that the appearance of corruption in public programs is newsworthy.
If I’m ever unfairly positive about Tesla, do let me know. Most Tesla fans (and assorted grifters who grift in the same circles) say I’m actually the opposite, that I’m shield-biting Tesla hater, probably a paid Anti-Elon shill and maybe a $TSLA shortseller. They feel that way enough to send me threats from time to time. Neither take is true, but it’s funny that I’m getting shot at by both sides.
If you find my stories interesting, you can do me a solid by sharing them on any subreddit or Fedia instance that you think would find them interesting. This publication is a couple weeks old, and that helps me get traction, it’s wild that this story is only getting coverage by Canadian outlets.
Powerful Crassus energy to this one.
So, the data has a “commercial” or “consumer” flag, Canada is apparently quite sensible and thought one step ahead of the shady things auto dealers might try - so we’d be able to see if it was a wholesale sort of deal, I think.
It wasn’t, all the sales I saw were consumer flagged.
Canadian government thought of that. The sales are marked as either personal or commercial in the database. All the sales I saw were personal.
Right? I don’t buy that explanation at all. I’ve had a bunch of cars with SXM, none of them had popup ads every time I came to a red light.
They were buttoned up tight as a tank, no throws whatsoever.
And I’m one of those frozen northlanders, too, I only been to the Big Easy once and even I know you bring the free goodies!!!
You need to log in to view Reddit videos? SHIT. I did not realize that.
Give me a minute, I’ll swap that out, now I feel like a dick, I thought Reddit was just an easy way to host videos.
Arghhh, that actually really jams me up, I link a TON of Reddit videos in my articles, didn’t think to check while not logged into Reddit. Welcome to the future, where every piece of technology fucking blows.
Bahaha, they’ll need a long disclaimer. YMMV sort of language. The orange Cybertruck, they were live-streaming from inside of it, I guess. Influencers were driving it. They showed off the damage in their video, looks like a cracked windshield and roof on their “bulletproof” truck.
There is a separate car and truck parade at NoLa’s Carnival, where you roll up with whatever and parade in that. These folks… well, I’m not sure why they didn’t just go to the truck parade.
Part of the anger in the crowd seems to be what you’re rightly pointing out, the behavior doesn’t make sense, other than as advertising. There’s all these gorgeous floats, and then just 5 Pinewood-Derby-looking trucks absolutely decked out in American flags, it upset folks.
Oh no, see the BlueSky link from Pelespirit below. Folks who were there commented, the booing was for the Cybertruck, folks went back to cheering for the other floats that bookended the Cybertruck XD
If you check out the NOLA.com broadcast, it was (as usual) a real positive crowd of revelers at Mardi Gras. I didn’t hear any jeering, EXCEPT for the Cybertruck group.
Thanks! That’s a better video, I like that. I got to get on Bluesky.
First video I found was on Facebook, and that was a hot mess to link to.
I hear you! That’s very interesting to know about RFP, that term is 100% new to me. Makes a lot of sense.
Point taken. Article amended with a thank you for your more specific terminology.
Have a good one.
Edit: I should have lead with… thanks! I appreciate a second set of eyes on it, I want everything in my articles to be factually correct. If ever I’m way off in content I share, please do tell me, and I’ll correct it.
Tell you what, to avoid confusion, I’ll simplify the language in that paragraph, it seems to be distracting a few folks.
I should mention, my experience is very old, I haven’t held a valid cert in decades - so, if there is a flaw in my knowledge, that wouldn’t be my old LT’s fault (as our training was broadly excellent), that is almost certainly foggy memory.
In this case, I’m still pretty sure I’ve described the behavior correctly. I’m removing the reference to avoid distraction, but I’m pretty sure it is correct as-is. See bolded text if you only want to read a single sentence about it.
The definitions you’ve linked above do not contradict what I’ve posted below or how I’ve described the behavior in the article. You’re running a narrow definition, I’m running a broad definition, the distinction is really fine and neither is wrong.
From the linked Wikipedia article I linked above:
This definition [of flashover] embraces several different scenarios and includes backdrafts, but there is considerable disagreement about categorizing backdrafts as flashovers.[5]
I am simply flabbergasted to find that you are correct about KIA.
Collected information: Health, sex life, or sexual orientation.
A retired firefighter mentioned that her department was using something very interesting - these are flood control barricades, think plastic sandbags.
You put up the barricades, and then use that to make a sort of moat, fill it with water, and you basically build the water tank around the burning EV.
This page shows the concept, site’s in India, but this is being done in the western hemisphere some places, too: https://www.floodbarriers.in/ev_fire_fighting.php
Ya know, we actually don’t use fire blankets where I’m at! The training videogame also made no mention of them, and it is very recent, released last year.
Interesting, right? There’s a huge amount of variation for firefighting techniques nationwide for EVs. I’ve seen them used, but only out West.
As for confusing backdraft and flashover, no, I got that correct. To the best of my admittedly very spotty memory :)
See this article, it means different things different places, how I learned it is that every backdraft is a flashover, but not every flashover is a backdraft. If that’s wrong, take it up with the lieutenant who trained me, who was incidentally stellar at his job: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backdraft
Me looking at Mozilla like: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHShUPtagAANgks.jpg
People who don’t threaten physical violence often… you know, softies, the part-time tough guys… they don’t anticipate how long-lasting the negative reaction from their victims will be.
The annexation talk, the 51st state talk, none of that stuff will be directly linked to whatever counterpunch Canada cooks up, but it’ll be hardening the hearts of the Canadian voters to be in favor of ever-more-draconian countermeasures.
I hope those Twitter threats felt great to issue, because we’ll all be paying for those for a good long while on every agricultural transaction (among others!) that we make with our closest ally in the coming decades.