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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 31st, 2024

  • Can’t speak for the science libraries as I’ve never used em, and I’ll gladly just blindly accept that as truth, but for everything else it’s always a pain in the ass. For being designed to “run on anything” it sure is funny that 90% of the time I download a python app it doesn’t fucking work and requires me to look up and manually setup a specific environment for it. Doesn’t help that the error messages are usually completely random and unrelated to this…

    I always dread when some fucking madman makes the installer for their app in python, knowing it’ll probably fail… God forbid it’s a script that’s supposed to modify something else. Always a good time for reflection upon the choices that led me to this point.

    Even my old scripts I kept around for sentimental value. Half of those don’t work either, and I can’t be bothered to figure out what version I made em for.

    I tried my best to scrub python from my pc out of principle, but as you say, it’s soo common my distro uses it as a dependency, fucking bullshit!

  • LANIK2000@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldRafah
    4 days ago

    Well “Afghans” doesn’t really mean much. It’s not really a collective group with any great unifying force. Too many different aspirations. Many clearly no minding who’s in power. It’s nowhere near as extreme as the situation in Israel. Definitely don’t wanna downplay the mess that are the Afghan conflicts. But it’s just not comparable at all.

  • LANIK2000@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldRafah
    4 days ago

    Iran has plenty of money and guns to pass around. Proxy wars are the main course for the modern history of the middle east. I find saying that they won’t find a way to bite back extremely ignorant of the reality on the ground and all of human history really… Most revolts were made by desperate people that had literally nothing on their own, either had to receive it from a third party of questionable intent or steal it.

  • Assuming I’m an android fan for pointing out that Apple does shady PR. I literally mention that Apple devices have their selling point. And it isn’t UNMATCHED PERFORMANCE or CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY as their adds seems to suggest. It’s a polished experience and beautiful presentation; that is unmatched. Unlike the hot mess that is android. Android also has its selling points, but this reply is already getting long. Just wanted to point out your pettiness and unwillingness to read more than a sentence.

  • Dang, OpenAI just pulled an Apple. Do something other people have already done with the same results (but importantly before they made a big fuss about it), claim it’s their innovation, give it a bloated name so people imagine it’s more than it is and produce a graph comparing themselves to themselves, hoping nobody will look at the competition.

    Just like Apple, they have their own selling point, but instead they seem to prefer making up stuff while forgetting why people use em.

    On a side note they also pulled an Elon. Where’s my AI companion that can comment on video in realtime and sing to me??? Ya had it “working” “live” a couple months ago, WHERE IS IT?!?

  • This process is akin to how humans learn…

    I’m so fucking sick of people saying that. We have no fucking clue how humans LEARN. Aka gather understanding aka how cognition works or what it truly is. On the contrary we can deduce that it probably isn’t very close to human memory/learning/cognition/sentience (any other buzzword that are stands-ins for things we don’t understand yet), considering human memory is extremely lossy and tends to infer its own bias, as opposed to LLMs that do neither and religiously follow patters to their own fault.

    It’s quite literally a text prediction machine that started its life as a translator (and still does amazingly at that task), it just happens to turn out that general human language is a very powerful tool all on its own.

    I could go on and on as I usually do on lemmy about AI, but your argument is literally “Neural network is theoretically like the nervous system, therefore human”, I have no faith in getting through to you people.

  • Not because there’s someone, but because it fell and caused the air to vibrate aka sound. Has nothing to do with “observing”.

    I’m honestly sick of this rhetoric. “observing” for us humans requires a sense to be triggered, which most commonly would by our eyes and for that we need light. In quantum physics, that’s a problem, largely because even that tiny bit of light is a fucking nuke in this context. By the time it comes back to be picked up by the sensor, it has done its deed and changed everything. Similar issues with non light related ways of measuring.

    This video has a lot more info, but she briefly mentions the experiment to further build on another popular myth. It’s such a refreshing channel to watch after all the quick pop science videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQv5CVELG3U

  • Except for their low draw and thus unmatched battery life on portable devices, the M chips are honestly not impressive performance wise. Not really the appeal, even tho Apple is trying tooth and nails to pretend that that’s a selling point with their unlabeled graphs.

    I mean if you really don’t want a GPU (which IMO is a must, given proper hardware acceleration which makes up for any CPU short comings, but I digress), that leaves you with a much bigger budget for the CPU, and now it’s no longer close enough to the M chips, but an absolute slaughter.

  • I don’t want to downplay or invalidate any of your preferences, but you HEAVILY miss represent the competition. Have you seen a non apple device in the past 5 years?

    Other companies make metal body PCs now. From the dinky cheap ass laptop I bought just for fun, to my sister’s proper gaming laptop, there’s plenty of metal+glass laptops out there. And when it comes to android I only really follow Samsung, Sony and Google, but at least those 3 have had metal+glass flagship phones since I care to remember. (looked it up, Sony: 2013, Samsung: 2015, Google: 2018)

  • A big difference is that unlike Russia, they didn’t immediately annex the region, without even controlling the capital. They even announced that annexation isn’t happening. They plan on returning this buffer zone/bargaining chip, once they have a guarantee that Russia will put an end to the endless invasions they’ve been partaking in since the federation’s inception. Or at least on their territory, but it would be nice if they stopped being a terrorist state.

    Also Ukraine has proven to be a MUCH more merciful invader than Russia, it’s not even comparable. Actually proving the smallest amount of basic needs and help with evacuation for the occupied population. As opposed to RAPING THEM TO DEATH! Russia’s army manages to commit worse atrocities while running away than the invading Ukranian force, it’s honestly unbelievable… Plundering their own. You can’t make this shit up.

  • I have no clue how they don’t get it. The selling point of fast food was always the speed, convenience and a price. They’ve been degrading all 3 of those selling points and now it’s just not fucking worth it anymore.

    But like it’s nothing new, I don’t belive I’m the only one, that for the last few years, every price hike just started picking less and less form the menu. And I’m not poor, far from it, I can definitely afford the price hikes, it’s just, once it’s 8x times more expensive than home cooking, the convenience no longer outweighs the shit ass quality. I hate paying as if I was at a fancy place and getting pure shit, might as well just go to a fancy place for fucks sake!