The Lazyest of Banes

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • There was the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest. It’s not a whole country going anarchist and no doubt the limited amount of people with the nessisary skill sets to have a functioning society (judging from the food garden they set up) held back the viability of the protest, but in general the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest was widly seen as a wild failure.

    It’s an interesting thing to look up on, and I’d definitely recommend anyone who is serious about anarchism to study it for the potential pit falls of an anarchist society that they would need to work out first.

  • I feel like trying to frame men’s mental health issues as a problem caused exclusively by “the patriarchy and capitalism” seems like it’s trying to wash the rest of society of their own personal responsibility to contribute to making the world a better place for everyone. Patriarchy and Capitalism are just tools of the greater power structure of society, which we all have a hand in forming and perpetuating.

    And let’s not pretend that the feminist movement’s tendency to pump out and empower misandrists and misandrist thinking isn’t going to have a negative impact men’s mental health, especially if we continue to hold feminism as a scared cow beyond reproach or criticism. And let’s not pretend the fact that we have the explicitly female coded “feminism” that opposes the explicitly coded “patriarchy” isn’t going to give people who don’t have a lot of time to philosophise an inherently combative view of the feminism.

    It’s hard to buy into the whole “actually femismim is for anyone who wants equality” shtick when you’re working exhaustive jobs most your life and then you get exposed to the kind of feminist who says men might as well go extinct because they have sperm banks now.

  • Oni is a game that often ends up as a small cliff note in the greater narrative of Bungie’s history, which is a shame since it’s actually a really good 3D action game that predates the standardisation that Devil May Cry established.

    It’s pretty rough around the edges, and hearing about the development hell for this game I can understand why, but if you do end up playing the game you’ll find an incredibly engaging combat system that will keep you locked in well after the game ends.

    Better yet, you can use cheats to play as any npc and some of them have fully functioning movesets.

    The greatest tragedy is the lack of a multiplayer component. It was planned, and advertised, but Bungie West couldn’t get the networking down before Take Two’s deadline. If there was multiplayer you could be there would be people still playing it today.

    However, there is a active modding scene for the game, and with the Anaversery Edition you can easily play Oni on any PC or Linux machine (use wine 2.0, later versions have compatability issues).

    It might permanently be over shadowed by Halo CE, but if you like 3D action frames or are a fan if Bungie you owe it a playthough.

  • When I was young my brother wanted to trade in our crystal xbox for money towards an Elite 360.

    I made a stink about it because I didn’t want to upgrade at the time, and I even ended up setting it up in the attic to try and avoid having it sold.

    In the end Dad did end up trading it in… for 20p (good riddance to physical game shops).

    Ended up getting my own crystal xbox as an adult, and I did end up playing Halo 3 ODST’s multilayer disc religiously. Still, for 20p Dad?!