That depends on spending articles, not on sum amount. Maybe their accounting is as simple as: 10bn income, 2bn to steal, 3 for salaries, 1 for medicaments and machinery, rest for advertisements.
You don’t need super-pooper software for that.
That depends on spending articles, not on sum amount. Maybe their accounting is as simple as: 10bn income, 2bn to steal, 3 for salaries, 1 for medicaments and machinery, rest for advertisements.
You don’t need super-pooper software for that.
Are they doing something fascist-ish?
P.S. I’m not mocking or being sarcastic… I just ask because I don’t hear crazy news from Italy.
Is there something strange happening in Italy?
Because Trump said so. Don’t you believe Trump? He’s the smartest!
But that expert just said, “Numbers are old, testing boring was in '60s, so I don’t know”.
What experts? Names, please. Because every second idiot is an expert nowadays. Especially if we’re talking about Trump’s crew.
Line. Do you know the concept of line?
Says the guy who knows what the line to some bureaucrat is.
No. Ever heard about the Sun? That fucking lantern in the sky? Pay attention to it. It is important.
Putin also called Ukrainians cheaters when we started to bomb facilities on Russian territory. Same stupid “logic”.
Because they surely won’t work until midnight and 4-6 hours of active work time isn’t enough.
Common sense. You don’t want the bank to start working at 14:00
Deutsche Democratischen Republik?
Fight is violence, no? So you’re banned! Please, don’t write anything. Because you’re banned and that’s how ban works :)
So? Do you think he is lying or what? Totally adequate statement as for me…
Brainless people LOVE politics. They consider themselves the biggest specialists in politics.
Isn’t it expected for a brainless human to defie science?
That’s good: it keeps them busy. You know, like Fortnight keeps crazy kids from other games.
Depends on where you live. Choose the most widespread variant in your country.