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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • If they would have spent the same amount of money

    They did spend the same because they were getting the deal phones from their provider. You’ll have to bear in mind this switch was about 10 years ago.

    I think what you’re saying contributes to why this Android/Apple discussion is still going on.

    The level of Android device varies based on cost affecting the experience. If you buy an Apple you don’t have that issue because all their devices run relatively the same and are expensive. They don’t have a “cheap” option.

  • because having access to iMessage - and now right-colored bubbles - is a big part of why Americans go Apple to begin with.

    Do you have something supporting this? I was the only iPhone user in my family years ago, now everyone in my family has one. They switched because their Androids were slow, buggy and had issues. Over time they decided to try iPhones and now their perception of iPhone is that it just works better and smoother than Android.

    I think some go Apple for status, but still others go with it because they’ve personally had a better experience. For older people there’s probably also an element of support from their younger family. If their kids, grandkids etc. have iPhones then they can get help from them because they’re familiar with the device.

    I use an iPhone and many other Apple products because I work in IT. I get tired of troubleshooting other people’s tech issues and I can come home and my Apple stuff all just works. I don’t think it’s the best, I actually have a Windows gaming computer and an Ubuntu box as a home server but the Apple ecosystem works well together and means I’m not still wearing my IT hat at home all the time.

    The teen bullying is a social problem but it’s not that different than Starter jackets when I was in elementary school, branded sports apparel (particularly Nike) when I was in middle school, and having a pager when I was in high school.

    I don’t really care what color the bubbles are when I send messages, as long as the go through.

  • I totally agree and understand the use case. That plays into that more in depth type of self hosting most here do. All I have is storage via Synology, and Pi-hole, smart home controls and a media server in separate containers.

    My use case is strictly QoL improvements that my wife would either just live without or switch to a more conventional, easy to use setup for her.

  • I don’t self host to the extent many here seem too but I have had the same thought and joked with my wife about it.

    Ultimately everything I’ve setup I’ve done in part because it’s my hobby and it interests me. When I’m gone my family will revert to whatever they’d normally be doing without me, because they don’t have interest in it like I do.

  • What is your comment supposed to mean?

    It’s supposed to mean I can’t speak for the country or all the Guyanese people based on my limited, anecdotal experience with one family.

    I’m not informed on the regional geopolitics, I’ve never been there. Hell, I had to look up the appropriate demonym because I couldn’t remember if it was Guyanese or Guyanan.

    It makes me sad to see this and think that people who were so nice and exposed me to Guyanese culture, a country I hadn’t even known existed and would have guessed was in South Asia, might see their cultural home attacked.

    It’s supposed to mean I don’t know what I don’t know and I’m not comfortable making assumptions or inferences when I’m not informed.

    Seems like that’s not a problem you have.

  • It’s always a possibility of a hardware issue but I take that risk with any piece of equipment. My experience with my Apple products has been great! Obviously everybody’s experiences are different.

    My first Apple computer, a 2011 MacBook Pro, is still running and used regularly by my niece and nephews. The few times I’ve needed Genius Bar help on hardware it’s been fixed or replaced free of charge.

    Totally get that some people haven’t been as lucky and don’t like Apple or their products.

  • Kind of. The hospitals and clinics don’t want that, in part because a sick patient is a revenue stream and in part because I’m sure a lot of medical professionals genuinely care about their patients.

    I’d say the health insurance companies are more interested in a sick patient’s death. They’d prefer healthy people paying premiums but not having a lot of claims. It increases their profits.

  • My experience is that it does run better however, depending on your media file types and player, plus if you’re sharing externally, memory is important.

    Most of my content is in a format all of our playback devices can use so no transcoding typically but I share externally with extended family. I upgraded from an old OptiPlex running Windows with 16gb of RAM to an Asus Mini computer to reduce power consumption and have a better processor to support more streams.

    No matter which OS you use, I’d recommend running in containers.

  • On Oct. 20, 1972, Nixon signed H.R. 1 into law. The law automatically qualified anyone with chronic renal disease, anyone who would need a kidney transplant, for Medicare, regardless of age.

    So Medicare covers transplants and post care for a period and I was eligible even at my relatively young age, early 30s.

    That said, the poor life choices that I made that led to needing the transplants also left me in a pretty big financial hole before healthcare and I had a month long hospital stay long before the transplant when I first got really sick.

    In the end I filed for bankruptcy to free myself from the medical debt but also to get a clean start on the life I fucked up.

    Even with the existing social safety nets it’s incredibly easy to go broke with our healthcare system.