I feel like I’ve had the opposite experience in the gui (maybe a KDE issue?) closing gui windows frequently lock up, and I find I frequently have to drop to the command line in order to properly kill some programs
I feel like I’ve had the opposite experience in the gui (maybe a KDE issue?) closing gui windows frequently lock up, and I find I frequently have to drop to the command line in order to properly kill some programs
Not anymore
I saw signs like this all over Japan; I laughed at every one
English is three other languages in a trench coat
There are 8.2 Conans O’Brien in the world right now
What did the camel do to deserve this?
Japan would like a word, but otherwise, fair enough
What? Like the World Series of Baseball?
Because it’s made of people
Who says it’s unauthorized? I set the pressure
Before killing yourself, it’s your responsibility to kill your children
Pretty sure it’s a hip bone X-ray of someone without a spine
Probably simply that they are done with it (mono specifically, and possibly .net framework in the long run)
Fun fact, this sign wasn’t in Kansas
*char // I heard it from a friend
**char //who heard it from a friend
***char // who heard it from another
"You were messing around"
Element 0 is the first element of the list