Who’s “red” now? Russia is not the USSR anymore and definitely NOT communist.
Who’s “red” now? Russia is not the USSR anymore and definitely NOT communist.
I did that for my grandmother with FreeBSD many moons ago, on a Pentium3 no less. It ran for years and years like a champ. Booted straight into PySol since that was pretty much all she ever did on a computer.
That’s the new Skate, not THPS 3+4 afaik.
And you are an asshole.
To be clear, I am not a Buddhist, just a long time student of trying to figure out what the fuck is going on here. Closest thing to a philosophy that I follow is the Taoism of the Chuang Tzu which is basically the position of “it’s all a muddle and anyone who tries to tell you they know what’s going on is full of it, best to just be quiet.”
Actually none of it was relevant to his actual words. All of the mythologizing came later. He pretty much summed it up as “What have I elucidated? The cause of suffering and it’s cessation, that’s all.” (to paraphrase). The main problem was he was from a culture with a boatload of nonsense that got grafted on to the teachings. Religious Buddhism is awash in Hindu/Vedic add ons.
Both can be true and both can be bad, like what’s so hard about this concept? One country’s shortcomings do not excuse other countries shortcomings ffs.
Soon we will start leaking corn syrup?
It’s long been said that the Democratic Party is the place that movements go to die. I have believed it since I started paying attention to politics in the late 80s and it has only gotten worse. Talked myself blue in the face about it for literal decades and was met with denial or the equivalent of people plugging their ears and going “NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH I CAN’T HEEEEEAR YOU!” And here we are today. I hate being proven correct.
She basically ghost wrote his last novel and it wasn’t good.
Those people never read Lenin’s “Left Wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder” apparently.
Reformed theocracy as a form of government is peachy keen then? LOL. “We said we’re sorry and we won’t do the eye gouging thing anymore, now let us resume the child abduction.”
As soon as the US gives all the land back to natives and pays reparations to blacks and repatriates the money stolen from workers by the capitalists I’ll consider the idea of China relinquishing Tibet back to the theocracy (I probably won’t to be fair since we know that will never happen).
Also tongue sucking is a Tibetan greeting now is it? How TF you can say “western sexualized lens” with a straight face is mind boggling.
Yeah I got called a bootlicker because of saying that business as usual was far better than the unmitigated disaster we are facing now. I hate being proven right.
If you actually read the words of the Buddha on reincarnation he was quite explicitly clear that he never endorsed the idea.
Yeah they are an organized theocracy that regularly abused their power and children through history and exploited the peasants. It’s my own personal term for them since the parallels are too hard to ignore.
Planning on international child trafficking this time? Quite progressive abduction policy. Fucking Catholic Buddhist child abusers. How is it they get a pass? “Oh that whole tongue sucking thing was just a joke!” SMDH
Clarification: they are the Catholicism of Buddhism in my view (read up on the history of abuses they committed, cutting off peasants hands, gouging out eyes, regularly abducting kids from families)
Probably two.
Gee who would have thought that completely ignoring the anti-war/genocide crowd and courting the CHENEYS “moderate Republicans” while keeping absolutely silent about Medicare for all and touting a “keep America lethal” platform would have backfired for one of the least popular politicians ever who was just anointed as the presidential candidate without any sort of primary at all. I’m so confused!
Checks and balances ftw. I wanna leave this planet.