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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • If I promise something and someone blocks me from viably pursuing it, that’s not on me, that’s on them: Republicans.

    If I promise my kid a trip to their favorite amusement park and then don’t get the big bonus I expected from work to afford it, it’s not my jobs fault the kid didn’t go to the park. It’s my fault for making a promise and not finding a way to follow through.

  • promises often come to fruition.

    It’s more like he’s bandwagoning something that now has popular support, without actually accomplishing much.

    If he was serious he could reappoint DEA and other positions. Or an executive order to be challenged in court, etc.

    Both Biden and his VP are on record as being anti marijuana before this last campaign. Biden as recently as when he was VP himself.

    Bidens campaign has also fired or removed staffers for prior marijuana use.