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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Sure, that’s what it is.

    Anyway, here’s some reading material for you in the form of relevant discussion backing up most of what I said. You might learn something.

    Although something makes me think you won’t come to understand the overall picture mostly by choice, since you seem to be stuck on your hate boner for Biden.

    In my experience, it’s the people who accuse other people of having a tenuous grip on reality who tend to be extremely rigid in their own biases and are afraid to challenge them.

    So have fun with that. Later.

  • 🙄 Way to miss the point.

    Do you understand that it’s possible to hold the belief that what the US is doing with Israel is wrong and also realize that the US can’t independently stop it from happening?

    Did you read what I typed or not? The reason the US is still in this is their influence in the middle east. I’m not arguing that corpse-emperor is almighty and correct, I’m saying that geopolitics is a thing.

    If we can’t have an actual discussion about this without you putting words in my mouth to paint it like I support that, then I guess this conversation ends here.

  • By your logic, every leader of a 1st world country for the last several decades is evil.

    I have this conversation every single time I open up lemmy these days…

    Biden isn’t enabling a genocide. If the US completely stopped sending anything to Israel, Israel would still be conducting this genocide. Netanyahu said so himself. Israel generates its own war supplies and exports its excess.

    The only thing that would change is the US would lose the influence it has left in the middle east and some other (likely hostile) nation would scoop up that spot. That’s the real reason the US is still party to this.

    Everyone who believes Biden is evil because they think he has a magic genocide-off button on his desk isn’t paying attention.

  • Holy Jesus is this a flawed analogy. I’ll try to fix it for you:

    If you go to a restaurant where for some reason every present customer votes for a cook out of a lineup of cooks who each only prepare certain dishes, and out of which only two are consistently popular enough to get the majority of customers to vote for them.

    Out of these two, both let the manager pick the dishes. But one only makes meals out of tofu, which isn’t terrible but not worth going out for, and the customers only vote for him because they’re afraid it’s the only choice that will beat the other guy. The other cook just scrapes and serves the sludge off the bottom of the stove but has run a successful decades-long campaign to convince their customers that sludge tastes better than tofu. None of those customers have ever tried tofu so they don’t know better.

    Despite the fact that it’s obvious that the issue with this system is overwhelmingly the manager running a shitty restaurant and the cooks pitting the customers against each other, the small but vocal subset of customers who just want a steak are blaming the other customers like it’s their fault.

  • This is incredibly disingenuous. The US might not be a true democracy, but it’s not an authoritarian regime. Xi and putin disappear people who have an opinion on whether they should be forever-rulers.

    The fact that independent parties exist and hold seats at all three levels of government mean you are fundamentally wrong in saying there are only two choices.

    The US is a flawed democracy. That’s still better than an authoritarian regime.

  • The paradox of tolerance applied to this situation suggests that in order to keep a community where choice is preserved, we need to be intolerant of bad actors with the ultimate goal of killing that choice.

    Meta absolutely is a bad actor looking to Embrace, Extend, Extinguish the fediverse.

    They’re pivoting the overwhelming userbase of Facebook/Instagram into a sort of federated Twitter alternative that their users as a whole don’t understand but do generate content for, in an attempt to steer the federation architecture into something they can control and make money off of. It’s not subtle.

    Whether it will work or is even possible for meta to do remains to be seen.

    But, yes. To answer your question, we need to “deny the choice” of federating with what amounts to a wolf in sheep’s clothing to preserve what we have, because that wolf is looking to destroy it.

    This post demonstrates that all of the major instances on lemmy but one understand this concept. If lemmy.world doesn’t want to acknowledge what meta is doing, then they’re also a bad actor in enabling meta to do it.