Conservatives/Shills I made delete their accounts in shame by beating them in arguments : 2
Past winners :
it’s a shame he died after the show aired.
dame 10 minutos, lo voy a dar mi leche extra
Uno de los seis leches son leche de hombre 😏
Either play the piano covers and pretend it’s classical music :
Or put on normie songs with screaming
can’t remove a noose around your own neck when you pass out, which leads to you having the
bestlast orgasm you will ever have.
can you fucking yanks just keep your culture to yourself for like five seconds? I didn’t need to know the name of the villain from a cereal that I would never eat.
MF at least put it as a strikethrough or EDIT or something so my comment still makes sense.
Bend the knee
are you sure?
This definitely does not mean that your computer is running what you intend at all.
This is true of all programming
Uganda has been leading the way in this
I hear the sound of gunfire at the prison gate Are the liberators here? Do I hope or do I fear?
Turns out they should have feared. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Pre edit : I know red sector A is about a holocaust camp being freed, and they are in fact, liberators. The doubtful sentiment is what matches this article, not the rest of the song.
they used flat ass dialog popups and fucking comic sans for the text
More realistically, 3 months of expenses, not 6 of salary.
it’s the same picture
yeah, some security is necessary , absolutely. Stop making me get undressed and fold and unfold a pram every six seconds. Don’t make us dump every fucking fluid we have.
Hopefully this is his “fuck the TPP” Moment of the presidency where it makes everyone chill the fuck out with airport security theater.
A broken watch is right twice a day, that stupid netflix film is wrong, TSA are a bunch of assholes and always have been.
There’s a lot in renegades
True in a way, but it was more philosophical and not “in your face”.
they did the first US interracial kiss during a time that would be controversial.
it was “in your face”
FNAF is basically something that’s been CHURNING it all out forever. there’s about 10+ games and books