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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I truly appreciate your opinion, I only have 488 hours but I’ve been playing since alpha 14 or 15. I have been super happy with the overall advancement of the game and game play. Honestly, I haven’t seen a reason why 1.0 is unstable, it is the smoothest, most thought out version I’ve played so far. I feel like The Fun Pimps have been listening to the community and have done such a good job properly addressing real issues.

    That being said the issues you seem to be having definitely would annoy the shit out of me, who knows maybe they are I’m just not realizing it (I get overly confident and die alot)

    I am and will always be in the ‘wait till it’s done’ crowd of games. While most games seem 60% done at launch, 7days seems closer to 90% and I’m really enjoying it.

    I do hope they fix the problems you’re dealing with, and fulfill the promises they’ve made in a timely manner.

    Thank you for your consideration, have a wonderful day

  • Your not wrong I’m just bringing my personal experience to the table. If you call yourself a Nazi or a Confederate ext. you really can’t call yourself an American in my opinion. Politics and the 24 hour news cycle has turned otherwise reasonable people into completely unhinged uninformed morons. Unfortunately those just across the aisle are to chicken shit to argue with the loudest 10%. To them it’s that or they loes which apparently more important than democracy. Honestly the more I type the more I agree with you

  • I truly believe that spending your life in solitary confinement with no access to anything but your thoughts would be FAR worse than putting them to death. Let them stew in what they have done for as long as possible. It cost less than execution thanks to the ridiculous appeal process afforded to death row inmates.

    In an attempt to answer your questions: 1.a. see above 1.b. regardless of reason, assassination has generally turned out badly. I love the time travel joke about killing Hitler but a different guy does the same thing. 2. The one to be executed losses their right to appeal and prove their innocence, as we know there have been many people wrongfully executed. They murderer of said death row inmate just becomes one. Loes loes 3.a.currently the president can legally have his political rival assassinated, or so I’m told, and this is far too much power for anyone to weild. 3.b. I don’t really see the death penalty as just 4. Yes every case needs to be evaluated separately. Assassinating a brutal dictator to bring people democracy, probably could have been done without murder. A woman being assaulted who accidentally shoots and kills her attacker, totally justified, panic reaction, give them therapy. A psycho who totrues, kills and eats babies, death by 1000 cuts.

    I hope this helps, I hope my answers are sufficient and understandable. I’m happy to clarify if needed

  • I generally try to give the benefit of the doubt, being in Nebraska I know quite a few true Republicans who regret voting for Trump the first time, voted for biden begrudgingly and can’t believe what’s happened to their party. Obviously they haven’t been paying attention for years and Trump and the MAGAts finally woke them up.

    That being said I completely agree with your overall view of our current political catastrophe.

  • Snailpope@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWhy?
    2 months ago

    I understand the want to paint things in black and white, especially in these kind of extreme circumstances. However, the “two party” system has an insane variety of greys. I’d love to be able to say “Republican = Bad” “Democrats = good” but that’s not how the world works. There are as many ‘good’ Republicans as ‘bad’ Democrats. You’re good if you work for the people your bad if you don’t. I generally disagree with blanket statements but everyones opion matters

  • I don’t care about the reason for this post. I just want to say, this is my personal favorite scene/s of ‘Malcom in the Middle’. Lois, the hard ass, no nonsenses, authoritarian mother in a moment of vulnerability and her 4 otherwise defiant sons band together to defend their mom by destroying the family reunion.

    I wish I could be such a good son

    Edit: my wife corrected my spelling, grammar, ect. I love her dearly (shhhh she’s reading over my shoulder)

  • Snailpope@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWhy?
    2 months ago

    My personal opinion used to be “those who are beyond change, those who are so cruel, vindictive, undeniably atrocious, evil, maniacal ect. should be put to death, removed from the world they clearly shouldn’t be in”. After many long discussions with my closest friend I have come to believe that death is too light a punishment. Those who truly deserve the harshest judgment should live a long life, in complete isolation, devoid of all pleasure, entertainment, contact, ect. Take away all that humans crave besides basic human needs, let them truly suffer for their crimes.

    Obviously, every individual instance of any crime should be dealt with by a fair and balanced jury, judge, defense, and prosecution, with as much fact and evidence as can be attained without prejudice or predetermined judgment based on personal biases.

    I’m obviously long winded but am super happy with the engagement on my comment. I don’t like arguing but I love hearing others opinions! Thank you all!

  • Snailpope@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWhy?
    2 months ago

    My running theory is he is a moderate republican who, after January 6th, realized Trump is going to kill democracy. He donated shortly after, but with the recent uncertainty decided solve the problem with his own hands. Unfortunately, he made a rookie mistake and held his breath instead of breathing out before taking the shot, didn’t properly sight in his scope, and / or just choked.

    I’m not in anyway supporting any form of violence let alone an assassination attempt on a former president. This is not the way to conduct democracy, there are much better ways to address the current issues. I am merely trying to point out why he was so close but still missed his target as if it were a paper target not a living being who, regardless of transgressions, doesn’t deserve to have their life taken from them.

    Criticism is welcome and appreciated

    Edit: Criticism is welcome and appreciated