Gay furry IT person.

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • Germany for example. The AfD is gaining more and more support by using phrases like “This development that is happening right now, creation of mixed populations to destroy the national identity and thus give our autonomy to the EU - that is simply not bearable!”, “Such humans we should of course dispose of”, “When a [n-word] in my neighborhood coughs at me, I have to know if he is sick or is he not sick.” or “The reason why we are being flooded with culturally foreign people like Arabs, Sinti and Roma is the systematic destruction of civil society.”

  • If a country (Russia) has decided it wants to be aggressive, then there are really only two ways to prevent a war with them:

    1. Increase your own strength
    2. Decrease their strength

    Usually, number 1 is the only feasible way for a country without outright opening up hostilities. However, Russia has given the world an opportunity, by attacking Ukraine, to enact number 2 relatively risk-free.

    I fully believe that if Russia is given leeway then they’d just continue on. Appeasement, as World War 2 has shown, does not work with personalities like that. By supporting Ukraine in this conflict, number 2 can be accomplished.

    And this war can be stopped, today! By Russia withdrawing from Ukraine. So please, aim your ire at Putin who started and stubbornly keeps this war going.

  • The russian soldiers are in an awful predicament in this war. But they are still the aggressors and Ukraine has the right (obligation even, seeing what Russia tends to do to civilian population it conquers) to defend itself against them…and as awful as these weapons are, they have not been used in an illegal way here according to international law (something that Russia doesn’t give a flying fuck about, btw.).
    Personally, I don’t see a moral issue here though I of course would prefer if noone had to die of which only happens in the case of Putin withdrawing his troops right now.