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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Unfortunately for the AI models, about 95% of LinkedIn posts are total shite with no value whatsoever.

    I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve joined Faceless Employee-Hating Corporation as a Senior wage Slave! I’m really looking forward to pouring my heart and soul into their profiteering endeavors over the next few years until their board lays me off so they can all afford another luxury yacht!

  • Me too. My initial guess is it’s something along the lines of a Stuxnet infection of the targeted pagers, which had the operating systems do something that caused the batteries to overheat and explode.

    But the fact that they all exploded at the same time is very interesting. You’d think that do ing that by overheating the batteries would see them explode at slightly different times due to local environmental variables.

    ETA: As others have pointed out, this must be more than just a lithium ion battery overheating/exploding. I read somewhere that Hezbollah inserts a self-destruct explosive into their pagers in case of emergency. And it sounds like the Israeli intelligence forces probably hacked into their network and triggered the detonations. So it’s probably a combination of Hezbollah’s paranoia combined with old school hacking from Israel.

  • (I know you’re asking a rhetorical question, but I feel like answering so I can share some information with those who may not know it…)

    Pfft, of course they are not against it. Most of them (certainly all the right-wing evangelicals, plus the racist bigots, and that large intersection of both those groups) are getting weak at the knee over what’s happening in Gaza and the West Bank right now.

    Why? Because the ‘Christians’ among them believe the more murder happens there, the quicker their Aryan Jesus will be forced down from his clouds to begin Armageddon. Plus of course, it’s ‘brown-skinned’ Muslims who are being murdered, which they also get giddy about. And if a few Jewish people die in the process? Meh, they wouldn’t care, because in their hearts they are also anti-semitic.

    The people who embrace this belief are fucking monsters.

  • I am totally fine with this strategy. My oldest just got his first phone, mostly so he could connect with his friends and contact my wife and I in an emergency. His school requires all students to put their phones in a container when they enter a class (they also have several charging ports available in each classroom, so students can charge their phones during class - a very considerate feature).

    From what I can tell no kids or their parents have a problem with this. My wife and I certainly don’t. It helps instill sensible technology usage habits in our kid. And it gives him more independence from us. And in this case, kids can still use their phones during lunch and before/after school. But just not during classes. Not only is this a very reasonable requirement IMO, it’s an excellent way to get them to interact more.

    Framing this requirement as “going back in time” is silly. Certainly in situations where kids are only banned from using their phones in class.