Yes, this is all they will do.
Shun them. Trump supporters are evil, try and avoid working for them or with them in any way. Don’t talk to them. There is no need to be friendly. These people are actually supporting a Nazi revival.
Yes, this is all they will do.
Shun them. Trump supporters are evil, try and avoid working for them or with them in any way. Don’t talk to them. There is no need to be friendly. These people are actually supporting a Nazi revival.
Call them States … like states within a federation.
You will need to argue with Amnesy International and Icij (links below). I cannot be convinced of your point of view.
We can only hope they bring that punishment option back when the Nuremberg style trials happen for these traitors.
Trump is weird and evil
That is the point I was making about Twitter, and it applies to Reddit as well. You have to stop that radicalization socially, they need their hands slapped to know that they are wrong. Twitter and Reddit dont just let MAGA go crazy, they give them a safe space to do it in. They block us normal people from telling them they are being crazy. He’ll, Reddit let’s them throw people out if they don’t have Conservative flair (like a checkmark).
The institutions are preventing proper social responses to these hateful people.
The call it “Dirt”. There was a misunderstanding with the word “Earth” and it got translated to soil or dirt, so they picked “Dirt”.
I understand what you are trying to say, but Twitter is far from free speech. Twitter is a mob/mind control device. It brings hatred to the forefront. The worst posts thrown right into people’s faces, then they tailor the content to focus the hatred.
One only needs to type the words “Cis Gender” in Twitter to see the censorship, the hatred, and the target all working together.
That’s not free speech, it’s brainwashing. Reddit is just as bad.
The bot was probably right. That has been yelled a lot. Soylent Green is … Rich people!
Toyota should sue that guy for slander.
He would snort lines of it … it is crystals after all.
No, China has forced labor camps.
The US has prison work camps, but most prisoners don’t have to work if they dont want to, it isn’t forced.
Yes, sadly, freedom of speech includes freedom of hate speech. The platform would have to rely on its users downvoting or ridiculing the offender rather than outright bans.
I got banned yesterday and did not know what Lemmy was until I did a search for Reddit alternatives.
If you post on r/conservative they will actually stalk you and look through your posts to report stuff … but you report them and that is ok.
Same here.
Because that word combination just makes sense.
I hear you, but there are a few things you have to understand; MAGA is not 50% of the population.
Of registered voters, only 47% have a declared a party affiliation. So immediately 1/2 of the USA’s voting population cannot be considered Republican or Democrat.
If party registered voters, you are correct in that it is a 49% (D) and 48% ® split. That puts Republicans at almost a perfect 25% of the population.
Not all Republicans are MAGA (arguable), with various polling putting 52% of Registered Republicans as MAGA supporters.
Why? Some vote Republican because they don’t like Democrats, or don’t want a woman president (Trump has only won against women, Biden beat him by a landslide).
Summary: It’s almost a perfect 50% by 50% by 50% divide! MAGA is about 12-15% of the population.
All MAGA has to do is radicalize key voting areas to win the electoral college, but these crazies are fickle and vanish quickly. Remember the Tea Party movement? … yea, me neither really.