They knew what they were doing. Obviously this is (I assume) just more of the same step-family kink fad nobody asked for.
They knew what they were doing. Obviously this is (I assume) just more of the same step-family kink fad nobody asked for.
Wheels are so boring! Why can’t they just innovate?!
It’s not impolite to dig in and eat the food when it is fresh and hot.
BitTorrent wasn’t even launched until AFTER Napster was shutdown.
The mention of Napster would have put the original download this tweet refers to as happening sometime before July 2001. But, it’s entirely possible they were using Napster as a generic term for any number of the other protocols around in 2002, most of which didn’t have the ability to resume. BitTorrent would have been the anomaly here for its resumabilty, but was rarely used for music privacy at the time. PirateBay and Demonoid launching later in 2003.
They’re all very fungible assets, maybe even more than cash in those times. Except the drummer boy, but a song is probably all that poor kid had to give.
“Ok Boomer.”
But seriously though. After the proliferation of the printing press, I’m willing to bet, someone made the exact same joke about printed books. And I know that the Boomers’ parents made the same joke about television, and their grandparents made the same joke about radio. And this isn’t even really a Boomer joke, it’s a Gen-X joke. I know because my boomer parents actually made this joke about Gameboys and walk-mans before the Internet (or at least convenient portable Internet) was even really a ubiquitous thing. It’s just that Boomers are living longer and are so damn vocal and numerous that they are STILL making this joke, updated for the modern generation.
What technology will gen-Y and gen-alpha lament about in stale memes?
God what a naive and toxic attitude. This peak toxic troll thinking that has absolutely no place in any useful discourse. With all sincerity, you should really seek help. I really do pity you. This isn’t flattery. I’m not angry. I’m not celebrating you. I don’t care to hurt you. You’re just a sad fool and I hope you find a way to be better.
Calling anything bad weird seems a little judgemental for my taste. I like bad weird. Good weird is boring.
Ya basic.
Getting weirder and weirder is the only viable direction a Master of the Universe movie can go for success. Don’t you remember the last movie?
I’m always amazed how some people have no self awareness. They have no concerns for others. And yet if you acted like they did and it affected them they would be so pissed.
Like the person sneaking photos of people in public to ridicule them anonymously on the Internet?
What’s wrong with taking your shoes off before putting them up on the furniture? Seems the polite thing to do so you don’t get snow or mud or whatever other shit is on your shoes on the seat. It’s not like there is someone else using either of those seats opposite at the moment. Maybe you’re just feeling shame about your foot fetish? It’s okay to have a kink about feet, but non-consenting voyeurism is not okay.
This is why they are mostly sold with a bitterant outer coating. It should be pretty gross to just hold a recently purchased coil cell battery in your mouth these days.
A small percentage of hyper inflated prices over a large consumer base still equates to MASSIVE profits. It is a fundamental ethical flaw that we even allow for-profit medicine that is compounded by obvious cartel organization structures and corruption.
So we’re not getting hand milked by 40 cows while getting figged by 3 cherubs.
Postcard aesthetic isn’t good enough?
Another lesson I the importance of significant digits, a concept I’ve had to remind many a young (and sometimes an old) engineer about. An interesting idea along similar lines is that 2 + 2 can equal 5 for significantly large values of 2.
This whole idea that they “saved” it is philosophically flawed and deeply problematic from a moral and ecological perspective. Claiming that the mother “abandoned” it demonstrates ignorance of the way these animals live and care for their young.
Regardless, a proper wildlife rehabilitation program by a zoologist would have actually kept the moose alive and been in a position to judge if the moose was safe to be re-released. Your moose story could have easily ended in the death of people in addition to the moose. This isn’t some kind of vain high horse I’m on. It’s just simple facts learned through decades of direct experience with wild animals in the wild, in rehabilitation, and in zoos. I stand by my earlier statements. I’m sorry this bitter pill is hard for you to swallow I guess. So it goes.
Feeding wildlife, even one treated as a “pet”, is a death sentence for them just as surely as if you had fired the gun yourself. Your neighbor killed that moose.
Other prime examples include: feeding alligators (now you’ve created a danger to others as well, so you’ve not just killed the animal, which will need to be destroyed by officials, you’ve potentially maimed or killed a person); feeding ducks and geese (I once has a neighbor that would feed ducks in the parking island adjacent to the main entry to our apartment complex, no surprise to me that we saw many near misses and a few dead ducks in our driveway); bears (this one should be obvious, same scenario as the gators except bears are faster, climb trees, and are probably smarter than the average person they are going to encounter when they leave the woods looking for human food).
Undomesticated animals (wildlife/wild animals) are not pets. They’re never going to be pets. They’ve just learned to manipulate some humans for food or shelter. Maybe you’ll get along for a little while with them, but that relationship has poisoned the fear keeping them safe for and from other humans.
Same, but CADD packages. Every UI is different for each app. Users each have unique configurations of buttons, ribbons, and task windows. Some apps even use completely different terms for identical concepts. Long ago I stopped remembering button and tool placement in autoCAD and just memorized commands because the GUI would completely change with every update and sometimes after a crash.
In the US it must be Springfield because there’s so fucking many of them that they named made a TV show after it.
Stupid sexy autocorrect.
No, the title is a homophone for a slang term for ejaculation.