El Problema es Monolinquiso. O alemanes . Supongo :T
Okay so this story is actually a fucking doozie. This was a very good friend of mine. Right on the cusp of retirement age. She was at the age where she could take it anytime, but was continuing to work longer because she wasn’t going to get very much, and had aspirations to live a lot longer. so one of the jobs she took was this really really high intensity like 12 hours a day as many days a week as you can do standing in a factory peak season to make all of those little customizable mugs and blankets and everything that people get for each other around Christmas. She made it like three days I want to say, and and just straight up never physically recovered from that.
Now, the doozy. I took care of her for like the nine months 10 months or so after that until she died. And the week that she died, I was in jail because I had been going around with a warrant for like two years by that point and I finally rolled a one and got pulled over.
so like when I’m having a bad time, it really feels like the police finished the job that capitalism started.
Anyway, I caught my breath at some point and m now fully embracing the doomed revolutionary shtick. It wasn’t a stretch. Ihave a tasteful facial scar from a police beating and everything.
Oh hang on. I just checked it. It’s the memory thing. So in my lifetime it was “pizza is a vegetable” from a 2011 bill doing the same shtick, making it easier for schools to say they are doing more when they are actually being given less.
A similar controversy arose in 2011, when Congress passed a bill prohibiting the USDA from increasing the amount of tomato paste required to constitute a vegetable; the bill allowed pizza with two tablespoons (30 mL) of tomato paste to qualify as a vegetable.
Police are Angling for protected class status. They want discriminating against police officers to be illegal like discrimination against minorities
All im seeing a scratched liberal smh
See C it’s like clever where the photographer framed it with this stark contrast then I reframed it like he’s on a boat or something going away.
But you know the whole time it is just him behind glass trying to put a good face on an appearance with a crowd that did not come there to see him. [you know all while we zoom in on the funny and tell stories about what it means]
It’s been … so long, that people have been calling the inevitability that he loses control of his brand enough to affect the viability of his base. There is no joy in seeing it now.
Just Resolve 🙃
It’s from Iowa
Unfortunately, this does not appear to be part of a clever ruse and he may just not realize … which. I’m deeply sympathetic but uhm… 😐 awkward
I have done the new social media mod thing where I let my admin status get bonked by one of my own mods.
Fuck off. If I had a button to ban every person who upvoted it I would. Local governments all over the country make up enormous percentages of their yearly budget directly taken from the citizens in the form of “parking enforcement”. Nobody said sovereign citizen anything this is a specific issue of police and what they’re for and who they do it to. Huff glue and choke:
I ve had 2 models of phone where it was the only type of phone I got until they stopped making them :(
Pretty sure you’re just being deliberately obtuse. The CIA was definitely going to be talking about the Soviet Union not under Stalin. That was most of the Soviet Union, even.
Idk where you’re coming off that a hit against American history classes is unwarranted. US grade school education about the USSR takes a snapshot of the 1930s and then it’s the fall of the Berlin Wall.
So, I don’t know. Though, I have seen the picture before and have shared it under the assumption that it is some flavor of conventional rocket attack on Israel , from the right, often made up of scavenged guided missiles, and launched by groups that have in the past intermittently enjoyed support, tacit or otherwise, from the various Western powers, and the iron dome defense system on the left.
Can you please make a post here or message me with more information? That kind of local knowledge is desperately tricky to write about.
I’ve really come to peace with this. I want to make lots of posts that and touch on many things, shallowly, even. Like. I do write good things and do more than just the barest funnest parts of research and verification, but like. This is the [very occasionally]shitty Anarcho socialist america bad side blog.
My sibling in Christ I do world class research but not for the death-to-america sideblog…,
Damn u rite
deleted by creator
No, it’s the last place on the internet that is actively curated instead of passively curated. You only see who you pick to follow. Can’t even blame the algorithm because there isn’t one.
Sometimes I like to remind the libs I pick up every election cycle that I am here to take their money and shit in the police chiefs’ cereal 🥣.