Weird and impressive!
The article for this condition in German Wikipedia mentions that there’s a training which can help, but I have not looked into this yet
Weird and impressive!
The article for this condition in German Wikipedia mentions that there’s a training which can help, but I have not looked into this yet
Everyone keeps mentioning them, but no one links to the information:
One of potential symptoms is indeed “Difficulty hearing in noisy environments”
I have a nice workaround: good earplugs. They lower the overall volume, and all of a sudden I can understand spoken words again. Too bad they actually increase for me the sound of my own chewing.
This is why I asked: to learn. Thanks for the link!
With Google’s RCS, they have an account on Google’s servers.
Do they though? I had a feeling that RCS works through the carrier, that’s why a carrier needs to support RCS for it to work.
Loos like no one knows of Enpass