• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I used to collect these and keep them in a coffee tin filled with dirt (and air holes) they bred like crazy. I loved those little rollie pollies so much!

    It was the 90s, insects weren’t even on the radar of animal cruelty. Parents definitely weren’t commonly teaching against it. Before anyone @ me. I disagree with it now.

  • I just need to clarify when you say 'until s4 when it went woke were you speaking on behalf of what some people believe or an opinion you hold yourself?

    Because if it is the latter the rest of what you said really contradicts it and maybe you should reflect on that. But I’m assuming you’re not a dumbass and your are the former.

    The boys has always been woke as fuck it didn’t change. It’s more like Eric kripke had to keep making it more and more and more obvious because Americans are so obtuse and blinded by propaganda patriotism that they cannot comprehend how someone embodying that can be a villain

  • It is crazy to me how crude and obvious this “conspiracy” is but it just… works far fucking better than anything before to the point they are adoptig it in more modern storytelling.

    I watched the first episode of s4 of the boys and I am convinced kripkee is just pushing the boundary every season to see just how fucking dense people can be, not even close to subtle anymore where I’d be uncomfortable watching it with a red hat the same way as watching a sex scene with your parents. Thanks for coming to my speech