So you’ve never overheard someone make a tasteless joke and ignored it or laughed it off? If not, congrats (maybe get your hearing checked though). Right now there are a bunch of right wing douchebags slapping each other on the back over this rape joke. Just say something if you hear it dude, that’s all we really want. Nobody’s going to murder you. Calm down.
It’s not just your friends you should be giving feedback to, but I think you get what I was trying to say and you’re just being a bit of a pedant right now. You do your thing. If you’re not worried about violence then obviously this comment thread wasn’t meant for you. The guy I was replying to WAS worried about it, so I gave him an actionable way to improve things.
Feels like you’re being very defensive here. Just don’t be a shitty guy, and call out shitty guys when you see them if you want to make shit better. It’s not that deep.