Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I haven’t done an actual statistical analysis, but relying on my human over-ability to notice patterns and a tendency to laugh at the 11’8" bridge channel on Youtube (said bridge is located in Durham NC and I’m a lowercase t tarheel through and through), most of the trucks that hit the bridge’s crash barrier are Ryder, Penske or Enterprise box trucks, which are rental vehicles available, for reasons completely beyond my comprehension, to anyone with a Class C driver’s license in the state of North Carolina. Also over-represented are RVs that have their rooftop air conditioners scraped off. The vast majority of drivers that hit the 11’8" bridge are amateurs driving a vehicle significantly larger than they’re used to with an absolute height significantly taller than the roof of the cab.

    It’s the very occasional semi truck that leads to the most spectacular, and baffling, crashes. They don’t rent articulated trucks to just anyone over 23 with a credit card.

  • I’m almost at Abe Simpson’s perfect diatribe.

    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what is it is weird, but not yet scary to me.

    I remember being in my late teens and early 20’s and my parents would watch The News™ and how often they’d run stories that were of the pattern “And coming up after the break, Kids These Days™ are having sex by touching their eyeballs together. Why you should be angry and scared.” And the first thing I thought as a Kid Those Days™ was “…no we’re not. I had sex this afternoon and one of the few things we didn’t touch together was our eyes.” And I guess I’m still young enough that that kind of story doesn’t make me click a thumbnail?

  • Trying to put the thought in my head into words…Let’s try this: Beetlejuice has an excuse plot like a lot of video games do. The plot is a framework to attach fun and amusing scenes together. It’s an excuse to go to the ghost DMV and to have the dinner and seance and wedding scenes.

    At one point they do have a stated goal of scaring away the Deetzes, but they don’t achieve this goal. They scare off Otho, by making his…suit less trendy? Am I remembering that right? But the Maitlands and Deetzes end up living in harmony, Lydia gets the movie’s victory lap. Beetlejuice is the title character, but he’s really the closest thing the film has to an antagonist.

    Really, the characters and plot don’t matter as much as the series of fun and interesting scenes. That’s why I enjoyed the movie; it’s built more like a haunted house than a feature film. It’s a series of loosely related vignettes. And if those are fun, then mission achieved.

  • So this has bothered me since I was a teenager.

    In Empire Strikes Back, Yoda talked like this: “Put the cart before the horse, I have.” And he mostly did it while he was pretending to be a dingus early on to test Luke’s patience. Some actual movie quotes: “I cannot teach him. The boy has not patience.” “No. Do, or do not. There is no try.” “Judge me by my size, do you?”

    In the prequel trilogy, it’s like Lucas bought into the meme that Yoda talks funny, so all of a sudden Yoda talks like this “Before the horse, the cart, I have put.” “Around the survivors, a perimeter, create!”
