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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • That’s my point, higher taxes does not mean less growth - you have a flawed understanding of taxes and economic growth. The government could take your tax money and convert the overwhelming majority of it towards meaningful services that a private company would have no incentive to be efficient about. That’s what free market capitalism does, it finds services and then chokes out competition until the system is inefficient at using resources.

    You can look at healthcare as a great example. The US spends more money on healthcare than most other countries and yet achieves worse results than the overwhelming majority of other countries. This is explicitly because healthcare is privatized in the US and prioritizes economic growth over providing a service. Other governments prioritize providing good healthcare and when government run provide better service and a cheaper price point. So if you live in the US you have worse living conditions because your government doesn’t tax you more.

    This same concept applies to transportation, Internet service (and often other utilities), elder care, housing, food. The government’s “structural nature” doesn’t mean much, every company is structured and just as inefficient. The difference is companies have an express intent to make more money, not provide better products or services unless that guarantees more money. What we see in an unregulated economy, which would require taxes to prevent, is companies find it easier to monopolize their market than provide better products/services. Governments on the other hand have the express intent to govern by the will of the people with power. In a good system this is the vast majority of constituents and not just the top 1% of wealth owners.

    Your experiences with working for government or company or small town are not invalid but you have to understand that your experience is miniscule compared to the number of experiences out there. This is called anecdotal evidence. You can have all the anecdotal evidence and experience you’d like, but it’s meaningless when compared with the whole world’s experience which can only be measured using real world data - scientific conclusions or at least ones relying on some methodology. Because most governments implore 10s of thousands of people over hundreds of departments and locations, you simply couldn’t experience a meaningful amount. So you have to build your opinions not based on your limited experiences but based on data.

  • Cable monster I think you’re debating in good faith and for that I thank you. But you’ve got a lot of deprogramming to do - your opinions seem very implanted instead of individually formed. I

    once believed less taxes and less government spending was an inherently good thing because I was told those things. With a bit of independent research, growing up and leaving the house that watched daily conservative programming, I learned that trickle down economics don’t make any sense and that reducing taxes and government spending isn’t simply good or bad - it’s dependent on what services we feel we no longer need provided by the government.

    So your statement of less taxes being better on every level is false from my understanding of the world. And just like you, I’ll provide no sources, because I’m matching your effort here. The reason you’re getting down votes and the reason I can confidently say you’re simply wrong in some of these elements, is because these ideas are easily disproven with a bit of thinking, a bit of research in the real world, and it can upset people when someone holds such wrong opinions attempts to share them on the Internet without first supporting their statements.

    Idk if this helps but I’ll continue to respond as long as you continue to come off as not a bot or someone looking to simply stir the pot.

  • Ya, remember some number of them are bots or underpaid people who’s job is to spread frustration and essentially commit information warfare.

    Since I moved to Lemmy I’ve gotten into the habit of blocking the bad actors after it was clear they are incurable and unsaveable. The ones who seem to live for pro-russian messaging or refuse to have a dialogue like these TLDR people.

  • Surely if that statistic is true it can’t mean that on average after solar panels are installed people are taking more energy from the grid. I imagine it’s also pretty easy to single out individual groups, like software engineers or something, who on average might use more electricity or reverse that and say people who use more electricity on average are more likely to get solar panels installed.

    I only bring this up because sustainable energy initiatives, even individuals installing a handful of panels, should be praised. There’s nothing better we can do right now than clean up our energy generation (and maybe go vegetarian? Lol).

  • It’s still a buggy mess for me unfortunately. It can run, but I bugged through the world at the delimane (?) quest and closed it again. I’ve got a top of the line rig and I was so tired of the game bugging out.

    Maybe I’ll push through but everyone calling this one of the best turn arounds is giving them too much credit. They promised us so much, delivered a buggy mess, spent years fixing it, released a dlc which fixed even more and added supposedly a great story, but they still fell very short of their original marketing promises and as I said it still requires resetting frequently enough to be frustrating.

  • gusgalarnyk@lemmy.worldtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlSearch engines and privacy
    4 months ago

    I just switched to Kagi because I liked the idea of a paid search engine who’s aim was to remove the internet’s clutter, not use any profile besides the one I create to show me results, and where I could weight certain sites that produce good content.

    Reading the blog post the issues allegedly are:

    1. Privacy is not guaranteed, like with a 3rd party audit
    2. AI usage is growing not shrinking
    3. The business seems to be poorly run and could have a short lifespan

    Is this correct?

  • This video was fantastic and I hope they keep this series up. I’m switching to Kagi from ddg because of this vid and I’ll spend time this weekend looking into ente/immich and all the DNS options highlighted here.

    Super excited. It’s weird paying for email or search engines given they’ve always been free in my lifetime but the services have been noticeably worse as of late and I miss an Internet constantly bombarding you with things you should believe or buy.

  • My god, your comments are written with such a lack of empathy and your opinion is so underdeveloped that that is why you earned my downvote.

    Rent is increasing everywhere because inflation is increasing everywhere, including outside of major cities.

    More importantly, the solution to "housing is increasingly controlled by those who own a lot of housing and they are using that control to extract more wealth from those who own less than them. " is not simply “move somewhere less densely populated, the housing there is cheaper”. Why? Because of course it’s fucking not.

    Housing is cheaper there because less people live there. What does that mean? Less people want to live there, for a myriad of reasons. Maybe I have multiple family members within a city? Hell, I have friends certainly and they’re not moving with me - decade long friendships that won’t go away but I’ll certainly see far far less.

    Maybe I have kids and I don’t want to move them to a new school? Maybe the schools in my neighboring small towns aren’t properly funded or have a conservative board so their education is skewed.

    Maybe I like going to IMAX theaters as a treat and my neighboring towns don’t have one. Or ice skating or to an arcade or to top golf or to a Thai boxing club or to a pottery class. Cities have these experiences in spades, and maybe my neighboring towns dont.

    Maybe I hate driving and commuting would not only cost more of my most valuable resource but it would cause things I’m opposed to like increased pollution while costing me more money and increasing my risk of accidental harm. Maybe the city I would have to commute in our through has such a reliance on car infrastructure that everywhere is clogged up with traffic most hours of the day making any sort of timely transit impossible.

    Maybe I just like good food, smaller towns have less variety, less options, and fewer hours. Maybe I like well sourced meats like fish, which my small towns struggle to source.

    Maybe my neighboring towns don’t speak my language as well as cities, they can’t accommodate me while I learn the native language. Maybe I like a racially diverse populace with high education and who have a multitude of life experiences. Maybe I’m LGBTQ and my neighboring towns are too conservative to treat me well. Maybe violent crime is higher in the suburbs and neighboring towns and that worries me.

    I mean, you’ve clearly thought about all of this and found it inconsequential when compared to hundreds of dollars in rent. But I’d be willing to pay more money to stay in a public transit heavy city, with my friends, so I can get good sushi and Turkish food when I want, and see movies on the big screen.

    That doesnt mean I want to pay some guy’s 4th mortgage at a rate that costs me my ability to ever own an apartment. Housing is a right, we have the capacity to make it affordable everywhere, we should be doing things that improve everyone’s lives not pretending that it’s acceptable to tell everyone to uproot their entire life in exchange for €X00 a month back.

  • I think part of convenience is name brand recognition. I don’t know how you took a heartfelt compliment and made it hostile, but the reality is I grew up knowing what Google was and using it as a verb. Gmail was an obvious and convenient tool to pickup.

    I just found out about Protonmail, or at least heard of it for the first time that it broke the barrier of not-caring into carrying. I imagine user numbers reflect that pretty readily.

    That’s all I’m saying. I’m not saying Protonmail is worse in anyway, please don’t assume I am. It’s okay to like a product and admit it’s flaws, in this case the only flaw I’m suggesting it has is being less known than Gmail and even then only for me and my small corner of the world.