Google: kill child process
FBI: ಠ_ಠ
Google: kill child process linux console
I became a fan after I got used to nice color schemes, buffers/tabs, horizontal/vertical splitting, file browsing with NERDTree and highlighting changes with GITGutter.
You ask for tips? Add VIM commands you use regularly (like paste mode toggle for example) to a keyboard shortcut (like leader key + p) in your .vimrc settings file. It increases working speed.
Also add some plugins, they are fun and add useful functions from other editors like Sublime (ctrl-p, vim-multiple-cursors).
Yeah yeah, brag about being able to close VI the first time of use…
Yes, it’s unavoidable.
A special a capella edition from the Wise Guys:
Expand the pumpkin to the size of your …?
Is this the anti-stress-ball version of
Good that about 50 percent of all humans have already an anti-stress dick attached to them.
A power bottom?
🫸🫷 me too (just copy an utf8 emoji from some website, e.g.
It was him
pot of cum…
big mama…
large and sweet…
It has everything, even 911, if there is an emergency after big mama.
And if you read Texas health and safety code chapter 826 it’s RABIES. Coincidence? I think not.
Ha, it’s a tunnel drill, but maybe cigarettes in nostrils also work.
If nothing else helps
Unfortunately he is not very consistent with his language.
In German rot means red.
Someone got English lessons by Yoda.