And Putinism. It was, after all, the TLD for the Soviet Union.
Young humanoid in the UK. Proudly LGBT. Slava Ukraini! | they/them
And Putinism. It was, after all, the TLD for the Soviet Union.
I prefer WikiLess, tbh. Also, Metastem uses .su, which was the TLD for the Soviet Union.
Ha! Yeah, I remember that phase. I was planning to install LXDE as my first distro, simply because I thought the wallpaper looked cool.
Yeah, I think they go into discovery mode until they find a previously-paired device when you turn them on.
I’ll double-check the manual.
What’s the problem with running an older OSX?
I am running 10.6. Chromium Legacy is for 10.7 and above, and the same is true of a lot of software. Meanwhile, on my Linux partition, I can have Firefox Nightly if I want. It’ll run heavily, but it’s possible.
As it happens, I do have a somewhat recent browser installed in OSX, but it’s not great.
Also, running an older OS like that isn’t a good idea, as it won’t have received security patches or microcode updates.
That’s the thing, you can run a 64-bit distro as long as you’ve a 32 bit grub starting it :)
I hadn’t quite considered that somebody had implemented this. Thanks for the info!
There was also another user who gave me a link to some software that modifies mixed-mode ISOs so that they will boot on my potato laptop.
Whoa! Thank you!
I have multiple devices, but I just use my trusty KNOPPIX LiveCD to unlock the disk and move everything onto an external hard drive before either troubleshooting via chroot or just doing a clean install.
The Musl issues were a while ago. The other issues were experienced on the glibc version.
Void is a distribution I keep trying, but I believe I’ll be either sticking with the Arch family or switching to Gentoo, openSUSE, or NixOS.
Just the little things, really. App compatibility, xbps not having too many packages, issues with Musl, GRUB not loading on the LiveUSB, desktop/WM selection, and also I don’t like the way Runit works. I could make it work if I needed to, but overall it just seems like too much effort.
Despite its popularity, I’ve never had much luck with Void. However, I could try it again. 17th time’s the charm!
Yeah, either openSUSE or Gentoo will probably fix my issues good and proper.
That’s what I actually say. “Just use Linux” works better for the meme.
Tech support has been my status since I was 12. Honestly, I enjoy being able to explain stuff like this.
And Kandalf
That’s why I ended up installing ArcoLinux on my ThinkPad: it uses Calamares.
Instant nope from me!