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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • That quote has been changed a bit, but in it’s original form I think it was Churchill.

    And the general idea is that as you age your idealism is tempered by practicality, as well as having adapted to the situation and built something of a life of your own, so you’ve gradually moved from the camp of “very little to lose/give up in exchange for all these benefits” and toward the camp of, “you know what, I’m doing okay, I’ve figured out a way to make it work, and I’d rather ‘the system’ just leave me alone at this point, since I’ll be footing the bill for things that aren’t even going to benefit me that much”.

    Obviously it’s a lot more complicated than that, but that’s the gist.

    It’s also worth remembering that “liberal” and “conservative” meant something different mid century than they do now. Especially with the MAGA influence.

  • Most jobs like that, or really any pay scheme other than piece work or an hourly wage usually has the process of:

    1. You can take as much PTO as you like.
    2. You can take as much PTO as you like…provided you get all your work done.
    3. You work like a dog, get all your work done, and take time off.
    4. Since you were able to get everything done and have time left over to not work, your boss increases your workload, so now you have to work like a dog, all the time, or else you’ll never get everything done.

    It’s like playing chess, and while the other player can’t change the rules as they go, but a condition for playing with them is that they get two moves every turn.

  • Right.

    One of the things I won’t miss about my last apartment (which was overall pretty fantastic) was how the plumbing was under-built when they constructed the otherwise overbuilt building back in the 60s or 70s.

    This meant that on my end of the building, all 4 apartments (mine, the other one on my level at the end of the hall, and the two above us) all shared the same undersized drainage piping.

    I was there 6 years, and averaged about 1.5 horrific backups per year that required a call to management, who had to come out, try to fix, then give up and call professionals (and twice in that 6 year span, the professionals even gave up and had to call in even more capable professionals).

    In every case, I always asked them if there was anything I could be personally doing…or not doing…that might help.

    In each case, the plumbers always said I was doing everything I could, even above and beyond considering the more capable drain filters I used on both sink and tub, and that the real issues were the long hair from the ladies in all 3 other apartments (not a criticism on them, just an observation that many of the clogs were long hair, vs my buzz cut), and in a few of the worst cases, flushed hygiene products (which prompted a mass email from the landlord that these things were not to be flushed, both feminine hygiene stuff and “flushable wipes”)…and in the worst backup, the two young girls in the family above me had flushed a wash cloth.

    That last one was the worst by far. Had disgusting, chunky shit water/gray water cocktail backing up into toilet AND shower.

  • I think the more likely scenario is that you have simply encountered a civil war buff.

    And like most all other civil war buffs, they’ve seen plenty of pictures of generals, certainly enough to know what they look like.

    To me, Sherman has always sort of stood out for having a fairly modern look. Like…if dressed in normal clothes for 2024, his hair and overall appearance wouldn’t seem especially out of place or anachronistic. This as opposed to say, Longstreet or Stuart with their enormous beards, or Burnside with his…well…sideburns.