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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • All countries have their crazies. Currently we’re seeing a wave of said crazy minority rising up (Duterte, Bolsonaro, AfD, Mussolini, RN). Sometimes we become so complacent as a people that we forget these kinds of ideologies exist. So they fester and attract others. Hopefully this time we don’t have to fight a war to top it and can change the tides peacefully.

  • You keep saying stupid shit that’s just all over the fucking place. What does being a republic and killing minorities have to do with each other? By your own weird ass definition then this means that Iran is also killing people for no reason other than being… black?

    Killing minorities and giving immunity to police officers is more to do with the power imbalance and the role that creates a system of injustices that’s built by design because the founders were white men.

    Please stop spouting dumbass non-sense and understand that both countries are run in some major different ways, but that both countries can still have shitty internal and external laws, governance and policy.

  • Oh, so there’s multiple supreme leaders at one time and they make up a court that delivers a decision? Our Supreme Court is a fucking travesty right now, but it’s not the decree of one person. As is the case with the supreme leader of Iran. I’m not criticizing a lifetime appointment, or a religious zealot. None of my language implied I was against their religion. I’m against one person being a supreme leader. It’s a fairly easy concept.

    If you don’t support Iran than you should have an easy time understanding how having a supreme leader who can freely dictate laws is a little different than our fucked up republican (or representative democracy) here in the US. Now, we’re on the verge of having a supreme leader given some new interpretations of the law… but that’s completely different from the current Iranian setup.

    Do you consider North Korea a democratic republic because they also say they are?

  • Outdated technology militarily is proving to be something we in the west need to invest into again. The US and USSR didn’t win against Germany because we had superior technology. We won because we pumped out shitloads of Sherman’s and Jeeps. So many that the USSR was using them for a decade after the iron curtain went up. Now we’re seeing in Ukraine how important 155mm shells and dumb glide bombs from 60 years ago are still just as devastating. So, while Iran might not have our cool tech that makes things like Iron Dome possible, or laser weapon systems. The Shahed drone is so stupidly easy to produce and cheap. It’s insanely destructive by cost. We shouldn’t underestimate a people for being simple with their design when that works incredibly well and is incredibly cheap.

  • Oh I forgot you’re a specialist in city planning, urban development and hospitality.

    Cities and countries rely on a variety of sources of income and taxes to sustain a quality of life. Understanding that one is still needed while recognizing we can do more to improve the lives of others isn’t talking out of my ass. It’s common sense knowledge. I live close to the Bay Area and frequent tourist areas because of my line of work and recognize that they get populated by people as seasons fluctuate. It’s frustrating, but that’s part of running a successful city. Keeping a vibrant life for people and enticing them to come visit. If Barcelona is just meant to provide only housing for its citizens it becomes another American style suburb instead of what makes Barcelona a cool attraction and lucrative destination.

  • Big brain move. The money that’s generated from tourism doesn’t trickle down to the people so instead of going after the rich that control the tourism industry and using unions to lift up their wages they would rather go after the same class of people as them because they’re angry at a system that was designed to make them mad at the tourists rather than those profiting directly from it.

    I’m all for demanding more of a cut of the pie, and being upset about the city not building housing meant for the people that live there, but this is just plain wrong.

  • If I recall from the articles about this event. The pastor, who is black, invited Trump. In a funny twist as well, the former mayor of Detroit (also black) was there to speak about how great Trump is. Which is fine, except that Trump pardoned him at the end of his presidency because the man was convicted and guilty of: Obstruction of justice (x2), assault of a police officer, racketeering, tax evasion, extortion, mail fraud.

    However even at the event that Kilpatrick was attending with Trump, while singing his praises, didn’t endorse him.

  • I don’t disagree about support having been delayed having negative effects on Ukraine’s ability to hold its line and potentially progress. Ukrainians are also dying for this. That’s unfortunate, and at the break of this war I was fine with the US being involved to squash it immediately. However it’s now too late in it for us to be seen as protecting, and now it would be viewed as another move by America to enforce its imperialist views on the world. We’ve done enough of that for the last 80+ years. We have to stop, but our friends and allies in the EU can step up and help. Ukraine, and the rest of the democratic world, shouldn’t be so reliant on the US and its support. For obvious reasons.