There are over a trillion hectares of free real estate in those minds. Manifest destiny is back for .ml. Who new the market place of ideas could be so scary?
There are over a trillion hectares of free real estate in those minds. Manifest destiny is back for .ml. Who new the market place of ideas could be so scary?
I would like a controller. I’ll give bazzite a better look when I get to a home theater PC. Thanks for the input
Is bazzite couch friendly? I’m expecting to need a mouse and that isnt my ideal setup
Thank you! Your tech analysis mirrors much of my own and your build of matrix mirrors some proofs I’m working. It is wonderful to see what others are doing. Thank you for sharing.
I am hosting on vultr and deployed synapse, postgres, and a signal bridge on a 2 gb mem, single core VM. It is simple but effective for learning. It is about 12$ per month.
My next build will be docker based. Reverse proxies are a weakness of mine so I am trying to upskill before I make the change and advertise my setup as prod to family and friends :)
I’d prefer to run everything from my homelab, but I don’t have the infosec confidence to open my home network. The costs of cloud will never beat the salvaged comps I get at university surplus ;_;
Its been as easy as searching stuff like YAML or AWS on tracker sites. There is a surprising amount of content. I even got some cool cooking content from Master Class
Best $15 ive ever spent on headphones, and the mic makes me sound great too :)
Wired headphones. They dont ever need a charge and they make the content more immersive
Educational content. I’ll get udemy or pluralsite content if I’m studying a topic. It has helped me earn certs and stay informed on different tech.
I love them in the summer. They are refreshing.
I really like tacking a pack of la Croix (or kombutcha) to a party or BBQ. I can chug through them like beer and be a responsible human at the end of the event. That no calorie and not artificial shit is a big big plus
They have a straight forward application process every week in IRC
Ive used it and love it. I convert PDFs I read for work to ebooks and then audiobooks. Then I listen to the content at the gym and count it as work hours :)
Nothing beats a good narrator, there will always be a place for performance and folly noise. This is a useful tool for the content you have to consume
Best after the local library.
I’d you dont mind spending money, get a yoto. Kids LOVE them and you can make your own cards https://support.yotoplay.com/en-US/make-a-card-from-your-own-recordings-and-create-playlists-21683
A yoto with headphones is cool, but kid content can be cool
Putting up a synapse server in the public cloud and building bridges to the apps people use. At least I get my messaging in one place
I agree how these conclusions were developed is trash; however, there is real value to understanding the impact alignments have on a model.
There is a reason public llms don’t disclose how to make illegal or patented drugs. Llms shy away from difficult topics like genocide, etc.
It isnt by accident, they were aligned by corps to respect certain views of reality. All the llm does is barf out a statically viable response to a prompt. If they are weighted you deserve to know how
Pillars was awesome. I need to grab deadfire
Stardew valley :)
I wish there were a site I could report my specs to and get a list of playable games.
I have an 8th gen Intel i7, 32 gigs of memory and beyond SNES style games I have no idea what options there are for me
I think this, like anything tech, depends on the usecase.
As an example, if I was an ethnographer working to document rural cooking techniques on the Isle of Skye I might work with this group to stand up a public instance of mealie. Success would depend on the project being a collective work though. Me working with the collectives to meet the challenges of the project over a loosely defined set of time.
I think the above could be a big success. On the opposite side, I would not count on the collective to host and maintain my personal tech stack. Maybe I’d pay them to advise, but little more
Are the pharmaceuticals, health care, transportation, technology, and information industries not means to be seized?
China may produce the bulk of the physical products we use, but we produce thought and systems capitalists use for the benifut of the few. The means are for the many imo