maybe change your gallery app to something else?
maybe change your gallery app to something else?
not anymore since I can’t watch someone elses netflix at home. I still have disney+, that my cousin pays xd
for 35€ you can get 512gb flash drive. kinda insane to think about that. maybe even cheaper but that was just what I found from my local store
aur is the only thing I miss. I do like fedora with i3 very much but rpm can be pain in the ass sometimes
but… they do fund the meat alternatives. thry literally pay money for that shit? I guess thst’s ehy it’s a shitpost
I haven’t read into this but do you have actual proof that it was unlawful in any way? this is no different from game servers and websites shutting down and it happens all the time
damn time flies :D
yeah now that I think about it it might be over 3 years :D proåably even more
still sucks but I mean they did warn about this for propably over 2 years
nah propiertary, sometimes happens randomly and gnome
linux can have some pretty weird quirks though. (don’t get me wrong I’ve been dailydriving linux for several years and I’m not going to use windows unless I’m forced)
one time I was about to do presentation, I has multiple files and windows in order to present the whole program we had developed, some powerpoint, demo, and the source code.
then came my time to do the presentation and I plugged in the hdmi cable and my fucking account just logged out. dunno if the session crashed or something, but I had to quickly scramble everything back since all my apps were closed lol.
I do have older quadro nvidia though
yeah fuck the racial equality and human rights /s
and anything right don’t like is woke or communism. BOOM! what an amazing comeback. so twisting terms to anything “bad” ain’t propaganda? sure buddy. keep telling yourself that.
but since your response didn’t address any of my point and you didn’t elaborate how racial equality etc. means woke people support piracy I know this conversation is pointless.
have a good day
it’s about racial equality and lbtq rights, and alertness to discrimantion.
but some people don’t like that so they made it a hate word against everything leftist.
what the fuck are you smoking if that term somehow translates to “piracy is cool”? it sure ain’t weed. I guess you’re just smoking a big ass blunt of right wing propaganda.
this opinion has nothing to do with woke people smh. this is just the new sin word just like how they did with communism. everything conservstives didn’t like was conmunism, now everything they don’t like is being woke
this is just stupid. like oh my god how dare they to use name thst is also tied to bdsm. it might just be me but I have never thought about the wrong gimp then talking about gnu image manipulation program. also it’s an acronym that works
you literally have to run installation script or follow instructions from arch wiki. slap some de to it and you’re good. doesn’t take a smart person to do.
to properly maintain it for longer periods forever though, takes some more skill.
thsnks I’m out
I use glimpse, which ships by default with lineage os. nit sure if it’s available anywhere. but this one semed pretty neat on a quick try:
it’s free on fdroid, 2€ on google play which the developer asks to think as a donation