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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Finding out people’s salaries is a good thing. It’s how you prevent your bosses from screwing everyone over. Of course that information might be sensitive so don’t go around inquiring willy nilly, but it’s definitely a topic that you can and should sometimes visit.

    (I know this is a s*** post so it’s all good but some people don’t realize the value in discussing salaries, and they think it’s something that has to be super secret when that only hurts you, the employee.)

  • That’s oversimplification. Just because you vote Democrat doesn’t mean you support all of the policies. There are many practical reasons that come into play.

    And your response to Roe is inaccurate. There has been a tremendous amount of pressure in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade. I suppose that many Republicans who lose will do so largely because of Roe. I recall the Dems floating a plan to revise how SCOTUS is staffed, too. It probably won’t pass, but it’s exactly the kind of thing you are overlooking.

  • I don’t see the problem originating from Congress necessarily being polarized. I think the problem is that corporate and big money interests are too strong, and they fund politicians that will try to divide the people on social issues so that they can distract the people from badness happening on the economic front. In other words, I think we’re seeing a problem with corruption that’s expressing itself as polarization.

    Even the term “polarization” can also be used as a trap, because it tends to be used in a way that frames politics as a linear spectrum, and your views are somewhere between these two end points. In reality everything is far more complicated. People have highly nuanced views on many different subjects with good reason, and there’s no way you can easily capture it on one single sliding scale.

  • In the US, the cops need RAS to handcuff you. The standard was never and is not “until they know what’s going on”. And RAS depends on the current cop knowledge. Even if they had legal grounds to break into your place, what they see in the next ten seconds is still relevant. For example, if someone said you attacked them with a knife, when the cops see no victim, knife, or blood, their legal authority ceases.

    Of course it’s all highly dependent on specific details.

    (On traffic stops, often they already have RAS. That’s why they pulled you over. So don’t be fooled by other comments about that topic.)

  • Except that’s not how it works. If you let more people bring weapons into schools, you will definitely see increasing amounts of weapons being used in schools, even if you’re pretending that the weapons are supposed to be only for self-defense.

    If you’re serious about reducing mass shootings, the globe has shown us that you can do so by reducing the number of guns available in society. It really is that simple. Simple, but not easy, because many Americans love their weapons.