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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023


  • China’s energy grid is about 80% fossil fuels. Assuming their energy mixture remains unchanged (a bad assumption as their coal usage is on the decline) it would take about 65,000 miles for an EV’s carbon output to break even with an equivalent ICE vehicle.

    The waste and suffering involved in carbon intensive fuels is ongoing instead of being single event. One benefit of renewable tech is the recyclability of it’s components. Once we’re made the battery it can be recycled and died not require ongoing extractive mining forever.

    EVs have a place in a just future and can do some good at this time. Alternatives to cars are still a far more important and uncomplicated solution to our climate problems

  • The US has, through concerted effort by the right wing, forgotten why FDR came into power. He was the heir of an extremely rich family. He managed to convince enough of the other oligarchs to avert going the way of the USSR. The US had revolutionary potential or the powerful would not have let this happen.

    The policies that resulted from FDR’s presidency had an enormous effect on the US’s populace. It completely changed what the average American expected from their government. The politics of the Democrats, and even the Republican, president’s that followed reflected the change that FDR’s policies wrought.

    It took 40 years of concerted media, intellectual, and religious capture for the right to regain anything resembling the political ascendancy they saw before the 1930s.

  • The frustrating thing is both Hamas and the Houtis are as powerful as they are because of the massive suppression of alternatives by the various powers at play in their respective conflicts.

    Israel picked Hamas to be it’s enemy. They suppressed the alternatives and funded Hamas.

    In Yemen the government in the North and the Saudis are much more interested in fighting the Houtis than allowing the pro democratic forces to become ascendant.

    This whole situation is the fault of US allies.