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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yeah this doesn’t bother me. And I tend to be a somewhat paranoid person. But I got convinced to do one of these by my partner. And so far, no regrets. They had some family surprises, but they don’t regret it either. If they make some cool new meds with my DNA (honestly even if I have only the knowledge that they made meds from 23andme) I’m just going to go around saying hey that might have my DNA in it.

    Just wait until you guys find out what they’re really doing is cloning us all to replace us with mindless worker drones. I accidentally met mine. They were nice. Bought me a coffee. Then I got real sleepy and woke up half buried in the woods. Real strange day.

  • Honestly this is an awful situation. But the reason you don’t see more harsh criticisms from world leaders (and there have been criticisms and statements calling some of what they are doing as illegal) is because the world leaders know that they may need to same option if something similar happens to them.

    Do you have a better suggestion for what Israel should do in order to respond. And saying “free Palestine” doesn’t count. They completely left Gaza and it got worse. I can’t stand Bibi, but he absolutely called it when they were planning to leave Gaza. The blockade of Gaza didn’t start until Hamas took over. And do recall Egypt is also blockading.

    If Tijuana started launching rockets and attacked thousands of civilians in California, what do think the response would look like? Or if Morocco did the same to Ceuta?

    I don’t see how this attack ends. I mean it has absolutely destroyed the chance for Gaza reps to be involved in peace talks. Not that there was much chance of that. Honestly, if I had to guess, Israel plans to wipe out all of the higher up Hamas this time in an attempt to bring Gaza back under the PA/Fatah.

    But, given the situation is what it is, how do you think the Israeli government should respond?

  • Have you ever actually read a bit of history on that region beyond the comments on reddit? Like the 3 days war, the Yom kippur war, the peace talks? Seriously? Palestine has had so many opportunities to form their own country. But won’t even start if it requires accepting Israel as an independent state as well.

    Israelis have certainly become more cruel and jaded as the years have gone on. But this isn’t two kids on a playground. This is a stable adult trying to barter with a belligerent drunk cousin who says if he can’t inherit everything then he’ll just burn it all to the ground and take the ashes.