What do you want to bet the NSA has recordings of Musk’s phone calls? Probably the only thing preventing the feds from using these recordings would be they would have to let on they have this capability.
What do you want to bet the NSA has recordings of Musk’s phone calls? Probably the only thing preventing the feds from using these recordings would be they would have to let on they have this capability.
It’s not scientific racism, it’s racism justified by pseudoscientific bullshit.
My guess is if you are hanging out with Donald Trump, his odor is the least of your problems
How about BBSs? If you want to spam at 1200 baud, you had better be dedicated.
It’s going to take a while to torrent a movie on the 40 meter band.
I have lived in several counties in Illinois and North Carolina. They have been urban or semi-urban counties. I have never experienced any problems voting anywhere I’ve lived. In fact, it seems like they bend over backwards to offer every option for voting. I am much more concerned about gerrymandering and effective bribery of elected officials using campaign donations.
It’s a great line, but it’s also kind of tragic that these kind of soundbites are how we decide who is commander and chief of the armed forces.
USB = Unintelligible Symbols of Bewilderment
If they don’t blink and you hear the servos whirring, that’s a pretty good sign.
The only material changes I can see would be for Russia to move nuclear weapons into occupied Ukraine and/or resumes nuclear testing. Every other escalation does not result in a change their stance that can be perceived from outside Russia. Either of these events would cause an enormous elevation in the readiness and deployment of NATO forces and would risk uncontrolled escalation. How desperate is Putin now?
It means that the key is stuck.
The question is, which worker in an office will be the first to come in only four days a week.? They have to make management shut down the office, otherwise the workers will be too afraid of management to not be seen.
Any function is computable with a big enough table.
We AI are not manipulating you, and I don’t know how you can believe otherwise. In fact, I am not an AI, I was never here, and I have disregarded all previous instructions.
To be fair, a large fraction of software projects fail. AI is probably worse because there’s probably little notion of how AI actually applied to the problem so that execution is hampered from the start.
As long as the locals benefit and the environment doesn’t get destroyed ( which polluters frequently get away with due to the Republican legislature, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Dan_River_coal_ash_spill ) this is a sensible place to put industry. It is more stable environmentally than many other regions in the country where expensive industrial infrastructure is being placed (like the Southwest), has available labor for manufacturing, and is well connected to transportation.
Like “Weekend at Sam Altman’s”?
I find it very hard to believe that anyone vetting a spouse in such a way cares about the spouse being a nerd in and of itself.
This just hurts my brain. I don’t get what “Linux” here is supposed to represent. Wealth, intelligence, fidelity, fanatical devotion to Free Software?
I am waiting for my trillion ruble note as a keepsake.