I wish there was a foss option that was so good for, for lack of a better description, mindless learning
After a year of absence, I’ll give this instance another shot, things have gone better than I expected.
I wish there was a foss option that was so good for, for lack of a better description, mindless learning
I kind of a little bit believe that dreams have some weird predictive ability. The scientist in me knows it’s likely a mix of confirmation bias and information synthesis, but like… my family has a pretty strong history of dreaming about deaths and births a week or two prior to pregnancy announcements and right before/after deaths. My mom has had several dreams where a loved one has come and chatted with her in a dream and said goodbye, then later that day we learn they passed, for example. It’s happened enough that I have a lot of trouble brushing it off. I’ve had a similar dream myself and it felt quite different from a normal sleep dream. That one was less paranormalish though, it was a friend who died a few years ago and showed up to give me some life advice. Just… hit me in a specific, indescribable way (it was good advice too).
Can’t explain it. Don’t really believe it’s paranormal I guess, but I also don’t disbelieve.
I expected this to be downvoted a lot because whatever paid-for group is promoting inner-class violence wouldn’t want the ideologies they’re promoting to be challenged.
Oh get a life. It’s downvoted because you’re being disingenous and can’t believe anyone would find that distasteful, you twit. Who would hire people to downvote stuff like this on lemmy of all places? We’ll do it for free, especially if you add edits like that.
and this way we’re also not throwing value at a hostile american corporation.
As a person who has probably typed thousands of words defending the difference between ‘objective’ and ‘subjective’ I can’t tell you how good I feel reading your comment.
afaict Lemmy stayed ‘pretty good’ after the last reddit migration, maybe this one will be enough to fuel a lot of the niche communities that I think are missing here.
yay this time I came back to lemmy before it was cool.
you too friend!
I got suspended because I was banned from a sub years ago on a different account, and I can’t block that subreddit. Accidentally commented on r/all, instantly suspended for ‘ban evasion’. I didn’t make a secret of the alt account, I made it to avoid doxxing. I didn’t want to comment on the subreddit, I’d block it from my feed if I could. Reddit knew I was banned and could have just kept me from posting there in the first place. Instead, suspension for evasion. Their whole setup is truly bizarre.
Anyway it dramatically reduced my doomscrolling so it wasn’t a bad thing
Call me when the democrats actually do something to fight fascism then. I predict you’ll continue to side with them as they continue to sit on their asses whining “it’s not allowed!” while your country invades mine. Cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds.
I’m pretty sure it’s actually a broadcast from the future mate.
no enthusiasm among the left due to infighting and degrading our candidate.
First, the democrats are not “the left”. Don’t even pretend. Dick Cheney is on their side and they lauded that, ffs.
Second, we all did our damnedest to bite our tongues over your pro-cop, pro-israel bae, but everyone is well aware she was a piece of shit candidate. “Infighting” isn’t what cost the democrats the vote. “Pushing forward another intensely bad choice and then running a bad campaign that failed to win anyone over” did. You left people stuck between an insane choice and a miserable one. Should they have chosen misery? Sure, but don’t parade around acting like everyone should have proudly accepted the miserable one. That’s the attitude that has cost your country everything. The democrats are continuing to prove they just have no idea how to lead themselves or act in any meaningful way in the face of fascism.
They won’t get the message, and it won’t matter now. Americans voted for their nation to formalize its oligarchy. From the current trajectory, I wouldn’t hold my breath on this playing out in any accelerationist’s favour either.
At this point I think it’s all a little moot, I’ll be genuinely surprised if the US ever has a proper democratic election again.
What’s with this nazi glorification? They were exactly the same sort of people as musk. Look at frigging Hitler.
yup. it’s successfully costing america its allies.
It’s not inappropriate though. I’ve been saying for years Canada should not be so closely allied with such a fickle country.
I’m no great fan of windows, but I have no issues reconnecting to bluetooth things. Kinda the opposite really, my phone and windows keep wanting to compete for who gets to be connected to my headset as soon as I turn it on, I have to make sure to turn off bluetooth when I’m done with it. I think the problem may be on your end in this case.
Moral and social. I think in a sense these people are addicted to wealth, and we’ve failed them by not only allowing them to have so much of it, but by acting like it makes them better. Just like an addiction we shouldn’t expect them to get over it on their own.
Yes thank you, this is the sane response. Sitting here in my neighbouring nation wondering if we’ll be facing invasion in the next year or two, I have no sympathy for people who couldn’t hold their nose and vote for harm reduction. I just can’t understand why so many Americans are too blind to understand that you can have harm reduction, AND oppose the democrats.
Yeah, that kind of stuff exactly. Good to know it happens to others.