And I’m a fish. But that’s not very helpful.
And I’m a fish. But that’s not very helpful.
The body is round, the short legs aren’t made for distance.
No, This is PATRICK
The body is round
HELL naw
Nooo not the pinky ! :(
This, but Emacs
Base model squirrel is very cute as well imo
C’est une expression utilisée en Suisse romande pour dire “je suis stupide”. “Pive” seul se traduit par “pinecone” en anglais; mais encore une fois, je crois que c’est uniquement en Suisse.
Tu as raison, je suis une pive; j’ai écrit mon commentaire trop vite et sans vérifier ><
Tout à fait! Tu peux même écrire “même scientifique” avec un accent.
Edit: “mème”, avec un accent grave pas un accent circonflexe.
Alpine works great for the desktop and I’m using it myself for my lower end machine.
Working without glibc and with some strangly named packages is sometimes tricky, but so far I have been able to do anything I’d wanted!
If it can help you in your journey, here is my personal configuration for Alpine, with WMs and DEs on their own branches. Only the ‘suckless’ (DWM) and ‘xfce’ are working properly so far:
Better UI consistency. It’s always really annoying when you have your nice dark theme and a bright white page pops out of nowhere and fry your eyes.
For ease on the eye, keep everything black on white, and turn down screen brightness if the environment is dark.
I beg to slightly differ, but it’s a good take overall:
>:3 rawr
Ahahaha benis :DDD